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How to Remove Malware on Your Website? The Guide
According to data published by the security company Kaspersky, in the last year there was a 27% increase in the number of different scripts, sent through malicious email campaigns or found on infected websites.
How to Use WEBP Images to Improve the Speed of Your Website?

Find out what the WebP format is and how it will help you improve the loading speed of your website.

10 Things You Should Do After Installing WordPress

You've installed WordPress and are tempted to immediately continue with the theme and plugins to finish the job. However, if you do it this way, you would leave behind a series of details that affect the general content of the website as well as SEO.

The 11 Most Popular and Demanded Programming Languages

If you want to develop within the world of programming, it is best that you know in advance where to focus your efforts. And it is that fully mastering a programming language requires some time and effort.

Social Media: 5 Free Tools to Schedule Posts

Social networks are today one of the most powerful digital instruments to promote products and services with great reach and at a very low cost. However, it is also true that daily publication requires a lot of effort and dedication.
