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15 Qualities of a Good Community Manager

15 Qualities of a Good Community Manager

The construction of a community that revolves around a brand or business must be the objective that cannot be dispensed with. With it, it will be easier to position yourself as a leader within a certain sector, and this favors not only the acquisition of customers or followers, but also their loyalty.

This is the role of a community manager. Therefore, this profile requires having a series of qualities that help the brand to achieve the proposed objectives.

And it is that the management of a community is not an easy task, although it may seem so. It requires knowing how to attract an audience and keep it active, fostering effective sales opportunities and creating real advocates for your products and services.

A continuación encontarás las 15 cualidades que debe tener un community manager para lograr esos objetivos.

1.- Ser un Buen Estratega

Quien ejerza este perfil, debe conocer muy bien las mejores prácticas para atraer audiencia hacia los medios digitales que utiliza la marca. Con ello debe fomentar una relación duradera, que mantenga en alta la participación del público en las actividades generadas desde la marca que desencadenen en una alta tasa de conversión.

2.- Generar Conversación

Y es que en una comunidad las personas deben permanecer activas, conversando sobre los temas que le son competentes a la marca. Este es un punto crucial, ya que como en cualquier otra relación, esta interacción continua abona el camino de la confianza y el engagement con el consumidor, punto esencial para incrementar las conversiones.

3.- Demostrar Empatía

Empathy is a very important quality when it comes to creating a connection with the audience, especially when things don't go as well as we hoped.

It is possible that a prospect or client has a bad experience with the brand, for which it is necessary to put yourself emotionally in the person's position and try to find solutions that improve the perception in the community and outside of it.

It is also important to bring out empathy in moments of shock and general happiness, to achieve adequate communication and connection with the audience.

4.- Manage Stress

Social media are spaces for direct communication. When managing a community, it is very likely that they will contact people who are angry, less able to handle technology, or have problems that prevent them from keeping the conversation flowing.

In these situations, the community manager must be patient and learn to manage stress. In any case, your goal is to try to reduce the negative effect of the moment.

5.- Get involved with the Brand

Every time a message is broadcast by digital media, it is the brand that speaks. Therefore, the community manager must know in depth the way in which the identity, mission and values ​​of the brand are expressed, trying to blend in with it as much as possible to represent it at every opportunity.

6.- Recognize the Target Audience

This point is linked to the previous one, and it is that the person who exercises this profile must know how to identify very well which audience the brand wants to reach. With this, it will be easier for you to exercise segmentation in digital media, to reduce efforts and costs, gaining effectiveness in your actions.

7.- Be Creative

Creativity is an indispensable resource to attract and foster connection with the audience. Because people who use digital media are often overwhelmed with stimuli, it is necessary to use this resource to attract prospects and keep them interested.

8.- Master Digital Marketing Tools

The community manager must be up to date with respect to the use of digital tools for the programming of publications in digital media. In addition, she must know how to read the indicators provided by the analytics software to improve the effectiveness of the strategies in subsequent opportunities.

9.- Manage Critical Situations

Sometimes brands go through very complex situations that must be handled by the community manager, even if this is not the cause. In any case, the profile is responsible for keeping the institutional image afloat to affect the community that has been built with so much effort as little as possible.

10.- Encourage Sales and Other Conversions

There is no stronger reason for any person or company to hire a community manager than to cause all kinds of conversions, including sales.

Each digital medium is created with a very precise objective and this profile is in charge of injecting strength into the content to generate conversions in the most natural way possible.

However, some content must be promotional in nature. The community manager must find a precise balance that does not make the community feel that it is an empty brand willing only to sell, because it can create adverse effects.

11.- Be Proactive

The community manager must be able to perform an analysis to determine what may be a future need of customers or prospects. It must be anticipated, nourished by the interaction itself, constantly evaluating the competition and verifying everything that may affect brand management in general in the near future.

12.- Open yourself to Changes

New and better tools are frequently released that can increase the effectiveness of the brand. However, some people are resistant to change and do not dare to give opportunities to these new forms of work.

The mentality of the community manager must be open, daring and curious, testing alternative ways that facilitate the work or favor the achievement of the objectives set.

13.- Be Assertive

In this aspect, the community manager's common sense is very important, since he will often have to make important decisions to keep the community active.

You should prepare as much as possible to face common situations, but also have a good deal of autonomy in decisions for unforeseen events, considering what is most profitable for the brand.

For example, it is possible that at some times it is good to generate some type of content, while at another it is more prudent to simply listen and observe how events unfold.

14.- Being Planned and Organized

If you don't have this skill, you need to develop it. Both planning and organization are essential aspects for this profile, because the execution of this role supposes mastery of so many elements at the same time that without them it is possible to compromise the effectiveness of their work and of the brand in general.

The community manager must be able to spend some time to determine the content and the form of publication that can be most effective, so that the brand fulfills its purposes.

From there, a content plan will emerge, whose publication must be automated as much as possible, in order to comply with the other activities demanded by this profile.

15.- Recognize and Relate to Influencers of the Sector

Sometimes it is necessary to promote the brand with the help of influencers from the sector. The community manager must interact with these people, to specify the forms of participation and reinforce the communication strategy, in such a way that the efforts can be capitalized by the brand.


The role of community manager is very important since it is in charge of creating, helping to grow and keeping the community active around the brand. To meet this profile, you must demonstrate or develop the qualities listed below:

  1. Be a good strategist.
  2. Generate conversation.
  3. Show empathy.
  4. Manage stress.
  5. Get involved with the brand.
  6. Recognize the target audience.
  7. Be creative.
  8. Master digital marketing tools.
  9. Handle critical situations.
  10. Incentivize sales and other conversions.
  11. Be proactive.
  12. Be open to changes.
  13. be assertive
  14. Be planned and organized.
  15. Recognize and interact with the influencers of the sector.

Do you know any other strategies that are vital for this position? Thanks for your time ;-)
