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Google EAT: Why is it Valuable for Your Website?

Google EAT: Why is it Valuable for Your Website?

Learn what Google EAT is, how it affects SEO, and what you need to do to achieve better search engine rankings.

Search algorithms are frequently updated to provide a better user experience. But, users sometimes have ways of communicating that were not so easy for the software to understand and as a result, the results were not as accurate.

For example, if you were to put a phrase like Famous Mexican woman with thick eyebrows right now in the search box, it would return information about Frida Kahlo. However, until recently, searches were more oriented to keywords with much more precision, such as the name of this great artist.

That is why Google BERT was launched in 2019, an algorithm that is based on artificial intelligence and that increasingly understands the natural language of people when searching.

In January 2020, Google releases a new update to its algorithm called the January 2020 Core Update, with 3 aspects linked to BERT, which specifically affect SEO and are called EAT.

This affected the positioning of many web pages within the SERPs of the search engine, due to the fact that very specific criteria were established that had to be taken into account to provide quality content to users, which is the main objective of the company.

That is why in this article, you will discover what Google EAT is and how it affects the SEO of your website.

What is Google EAT?

EAT is the acronym for Expertise (experience), Authoritativeness (authority) and Trustworthiness (trust). This is an extract of the algorithm that evaluates how much of these 3 aspects your brand has to talk about a certain topic and with it, it positions you better or worse within the searches.

Regarding the Expertise or experience, the algorithm verifies if the content is generated by an expert in the field, especially if it is YMYL content, which will be explained a little further down.

The Authoritativeness or authority is directly linked to the website on which the content is published. In this aspect, the links that refer it, the age of the domain, if the website belongs to an official entity, among other factors, are verified.

For Trustworthiness or trust, it is valued if the website has contact information with precise data, if it shows the author of each content, if it uses the HTTPS protocol, as well as the sources used to generate the information, among other aspects.

Why is Google EAT Valuable for Your Website?

There are topics for which Google EAT will be much stricter than others, such as finances, health, safety and happiness. These themes are grouped by Google into what is known as YMYL or Your Money or Your Life.

Google understands that these are issues that impact people's happiness, health, financial stability, and security. Hence, it raises its standards and becomes increasingly strict in providing quality information to users.

In any case, the idea is to restrict those web pages that provide false information to users. Therefore, if your content falls within the group of topics considered YMYL, you will have to pass stricter quality controls than the rest of the publications on the internet.

The good thing is that there are some practices that will help Google to see your content very favorably. But, regardless of whether the content of your website is within the YMYL categories or not, implement the tips to improve the positioning.

Tips to Improve Positioning with Google EAT

There are some practices that will help you rank better in search SERPs, with a view to improving the algorithm's appreciation of your site. Some of them are:

1.- Demonstrate Expertise

Google expects, especially in the sensitive issues discussed above, that it is the voice of an expert that gives advice or solutions. Therefore, it is important to show in your articles, who is speaking and make sure that this profile is real.

Add a space to your texts in which the author's photo is shown, as well as some study data and current job position, if applicable.

2.- Generate a Good Linkbuilding Strategy

To generate authority within search engines, an essential part so far is obtaining links from other pages that also have that quality. If your content has to do with the YMYL aspects mentioned above, then it is up to you to work on this condition with greater emphasis.

For this you can participate in some blogs of the sector or news, doing Guest Blogging or giving interviews that link you. In your content, reference pages that have a lot of authority in the sector such as official entities, recognized media, among others.

You can also raise the quality of your site, creating all kinds of reports that can be referenced by third parties. This is a way to attract links to improve the authority for those keywords you are targeting.

3.- Keep Your Content Updated

There are situations that require updating, so that users can have the most real information about it.

For example, it is possible that in your sector the laws have undergone a change, the recommended medications have been taken off the market, or some companies suggested for investment have been considered a scam for some time now.

Basically it is necessary to be very aware of the content that is published to provide the highest possible quality to the user. This way your website will rise faster in the search rankings.

4.- Encourage the Registration of Positive Reviews

Whether within Google Maps or My Business, on your website or in other spaces, the important thing is that you get a good rating from your audience to improve trust within the sector.

Generate good content and try to create a community through your social networks, to increase engagement and encourage positive reviews.

Also, you can participate in industry forums and provide answers to specific user needs, to earn reviews that improve the positioning of your website.

5.- Check the Contact Data of Your Website

This is another element that is often not taken into account by content creators, and that is that Google values ​​that you offer contact information within your site.

Include a link to social networks, contact forms, an email and, if possible, a physical address and telephone numbers of the company.


Google EAT It arises as part of an algorithm update that seeks to raise the quality of web content, especially those that directly affect the well-being of users.

To improve organic search engine positioning, it is important to create strategies that increase authority and trust in your website, as well as demonstrate that you have the knowledge to express opinions on the subject that is exposed.

To do this, it is necessary to expose the profile of the person who subscribes the article, do a good linkbuilding, update the content, encourage the registration of positive reviews in an ethical manner, provide contact information in plain sight.

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