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What is Facebook Creator Studio and what is it for?

What is Facebook Creator Studio and what is it for?

What is Facebook Creator Studio?

It is a social network tool that was originally created to manage Facebook business pages, but now allows you to do it with Instagram business accounts as well.

The administration includes both facilities for the programming of publications in multiple accounts, as well as the management of interactions and the obtaining of metrics on the behavior of the audience.

Creator Studio also has a collection of sound and music effects that you can use in your publications, for free and legally within the Facebook and Instagram platform.

What is Facebook Creator Studio for?

While you can schedule your posts, manage interactions, get metrics, in addition to the use of available resources. You can also manage page roles.

Through these roles you can associate those who are part of your work team, so that they can help you manage your accounts on both social networks. These roles can be:

●       Administrator: Full access to make changes to the page.

●       Editor: Everything except managing page roles and making settings.

●       Moderator: Read and reply to comments.

●       Job Manager: Post jobs and manage applications.

●       Advertiser: Create ads and check statistics.

●       Analyst: See statistics and who published on a page.

In addition, it allows you to manage the monetization of your content on Facebook, if you reside in one of the countries accepted by the social network program. From this environment you can also make live broadcasts on the page you want.

Creator Studio concentrates many activities from a single control panel. This facilitates the tasks of managing your accounts on these social networks.

How to Access Facebook Creator Studio?

To use Creator Studio, you will need to log in directly through this link. You will then see an environment like the one shown below.

At the top you will find a menu with the Facebook and Instagram icons, that way you can see your posts on each of the social networks.

On the upper left side you will see a green button that says Create and below the main menu of this tool.

The Home option will show you all scheduled and published posts from Pages that have been associated with your profile. In Notifications you will get both the alerts, as well as the recommendations and updates that it is suggested to execute.

In Statistics are the metrics associated with the publications on your pages during a certain period. In Prepublished you will have all the posts that you have programmed and that are pending publication.

In Published you will find the history of publications of the pages, while the File management option groups the live broadcasts that you have made. With Tools, you will be able to carry out A/B tests and finally you will find the Content Library.

If you switch to Instagram by clicking on the respective button in the top menu, you will be able to visualize that the side menu options are reduced to just the Content Library, a calendar, Statistics, Monetization and Instagram Accounts where all associated with your account will be shown. profile.

The Facebook pages that you create or associate to your profile will be automatically displayed in your panel. But, the Instagram accounts if you will have to associate them through the respective option.

In the upper right side you will see the notification bell and help, as well as a menu with the conditions and privacy.

How to Schedule Your Posts in Creator Studio?

To schedule your posts on Facebook, you need to verify that the button for this social network is active in the top central menu.

Click on the Create button and then choose the Create Post option.

Then, if you have more than one Facebook page associated with your account, you will need to choose the one you want to work with.

Now, Creator Studio will show you a window like the one below

The first thing is to enter the text of the publication, which you can accompany with a hashtag and emoticons. Then, add the multimedia content you want, the location that is optional, you can also tag a sponsor if applicable, as well as the date and time.

If the date and time are relative to the future, it will be scheduled for the time you want.

In the case of Instagram, you can schedule both posts and videos. You must make sure that you are in the environment of this social network and then click on the Create publication button located on the upper left side.

Now, choose Feed or Video, as well as the Instagram account you want to work with. If you choose video, you just have to upload it, assign a text with hashtags and click on Publish.

There you will see the Schedule button with which you can assign a later date and time for the publication of your video.

For the feed it is the same process. But, it is necessary to include a text with a hashtag and emoticons if you prefer, as well as a video, image or group of images.

Select the Schedule option in the menu that is displayed next to the Publish button, to assign a later date and time. In this way everything will be ready for you to dedicate yourself to other activities.


CreatorStudio is a free tool that allows you to manage the accounts associated with your profile, both Facebook and Instagram. With it you will program the publications so that you do not have to invest recurring time in the activity.

You can also associate and manage the profiles of those people on your work team who will help you with this important task.

It also allows you to do live broadcasts and A/B tests with your posts on Facebook, as well as observe the metrics and attend to the interactions of your audience on both social networks.

This is a tool that you can use to improve the management of your brand, since its multiple benefits will bring you benefits in terms of productivity, use of time and economy.

Thanks for your time ;-)
