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Wordpress: Exciting Statistics

Wordpress,the platform that has become very popular over time and that has helped many people in the world to give functionality to their website in a very short time.

Below, you will find Wordpress statistics in 2021, about the main themes, plugins and vulnerabilities of this powerful CMS.

Wordpress Market Share

Wordpress is the most used CMS or content management system today. In fact, according to w3techs Within this category, it ranks with 64.9% and is the base platform for 41.5% of all web sites.

Its closest rivals are Shopify and Joomla, which account for 5.5% and 3.2% of the share of the total CMS in the market, as well as 3.5% and 2.1% of websites. in the world.

But, in addition, Wordpress presents acceleration in terms of its growth levels, which leaves no doubt that at least so far no CMS is a clear threat to this strong contender today.



In this image you can see how from May of last year to today, Wordpress has shown a clear rise close to 5%. In other words, it is a product that the situation caused by the pandemic strengthened.

Hence the importance of this powerful CMS not supporting Google's initiative, FLoC.


Who Uses Wordpress?

It is a myth to believe that only small brands use Wordpress technology to give their websites the expected functionality. According Builtwith at the moment there are more than 28 million websites in the world that have been created using this technology.

The United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia and Japan are the 5 countries that have the highest proportion of sites created with the use of the platform. But also, within the 10,000 most visited sites in the world, this popular CMS has a 36.38% market share.

The names of big enterprises That stand out on this list are Bloomberg, Binance, Salesforce, Samsung, Soundcloud, and Spotify, among many more. This is why this powerful tool should not be underestimated, because it has been able to respond to the needs of both small and large companies in the world.


Most Used Wordpress Versions and Plugins

Undoubtedly, one of the most characteristic elements of Wordpress are its versions and add-ons that strengthen the application and provide greater functionality, another reason why it has become the favorite in the market.

From time to time, its base code is updated to improve security problems or provide some functionalities. Currently, version 5 is the most used with 88.1% of the total, while version 4 reaches 11.3% and 3 with 0.6%, which leaves 2 and 1 in the last places with 0.1% each.

After the versions, the add-ons are also important, because they offer variants to the operation that provide clear advantages to their customers.

For example, Woocomerce, the plugin that allows the implementation of a store within the site, is currently the most used with 19.6% of the total of the add-ons.



It is followed by the visual editors WPBakery Page Builder and Elementor with 16.4% and 11.9%.





Most Demand Wordpress Themes

Themes or templates are what provide formatting to the website. That is, they are in charge of defining the distribution and offering facilities to establish texts, colors, images, videos, sounds, among other resources.

There are both free and paid themes. Wordpress through its Official site, offers the possibility of downloading more than 8,330 templates with which you can give personality to a web page.

According Builtwith the most popular themes are Choices, Divi, Popper, Astra, Avada, and Genesis Framework. Twenty Twenty, one of the oldest, is currently ranked eight in this ranking.



The prices of paid themes can be between US $ 10 and US $ 100. And if you are looking for a hosting that gives you speed on your Wordpress site, be sure to check the plans HostRentable WordPress Hosting.


Wordpress Security Data

Wordpress is not only the most used CMS platform in the world, it is also the one that receives the most attacks of any kind, so security becomes a very important factor for site administrators.

Only last year a vulnerability found in the File Manager plugin was exploited, which is why many sites could be manipulated with the insertion of malicious code to the detriment of the operational integrity and the image of the website owners.

This security hole allowed at least 1.7 million sites to be altered in their operation and the rest of the operations were studied to determine any suspicious behavior.

According to data provided by Wordfence, plugins or add-ons are the first axis of vulnerability that Wordpress presents with a proportion greater than 50%.



This is followed by brute force attacks in which the attacker manages to know your site's password. This type of attack represents 16.1%, while problems in the core of the system are located in third position with just under 10%.



WordpressIt is the most used CMS in the market today, but it is also the one that reflects the highest growth. It is used not only by small businesses, but large companies have placed their trust in this robust application for the implementation of their website.


As of today, the most used version of its core is 5, and the plugins that are most in demand are Woocommerce, WPBakery and Elementor. Among the most used themes are Choices, Divi and Popper.


However, due to its popularity it is not only one of the most used CMS but also the most attacked and the main vulnerability is provided through its plugins. Its great predisposition to suffer attacks, make it a dangerous tool if a permanent update of all its versions is not maintained, and a daily monitoring of suspicious files is not maintained. All its benefits can be overshadowed without these interventions.


For everything else, he continues on the podium and without apparent competition.


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