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Why Optimizing Your Website Footer Is More Important Than You Think?

Why Optimizing Your Website Footer Is More Important Than You Think?

One of the most overlooked areas of websites is often their footer. Perhaps until now you have not considered the true importance of this section, capable of strategically serving multiple purposes for your business.

Yes, how do you read it?

The footer is the perfect complement to the main menu of your site and offers information that can help increase conversions.

It does this by offering information about the location of your business, collecting data or access to any other section that serves, even, a different audience, such as workers, suppliers, distributors, among others.

Next, you will discover how you can optimize the footer of your website, so that you can get the full potential of this small but powerful section.

1.- Contact Information

You may be wondering why it is necessary to include contact information in the footer of your website, if you have a full page with very detailed information about it. And it is that for some people it is easier to obtain the information from the place where they are, than to enter the contact page.

The fact is that the footer can be accessed from any navigation point and this offers immediacy to the user who wants to contact or visit your company.

So make sure to include in this area both the logo and the name of your company or brand, address, telephone number and the email with which they can contact your service agents.

Make the process as easy as possible, verify that the mail application or the phone call application opens, as well as the map that will facilitate the location of your business, just by clicking on the respective link.

Don't forget to add links to your social media profiles as well, as your prospects may want to follow you to stay up to date with news about your products or services.

2.- Website Navigation Links

Including navigation links, similar or complementary to the main menu, can be a useful tool for your website visitor. Perhaps the user scrolls to the bottom of the page and needs to locate information that unfolds in another area.

So this group of links will be able to allow you access without further loss of time.

Now, you may be wondering how much information should be included in the form of navigation links within the footer.

And the truth is that there are no single answers in this regard. The truth is that as in everything related to marketing, it requires evaluating what is more or less convenient for your case.

What you can do is consider those pages that have the most traffic, as well as the information that you believe may be useful for this and another audience to be served from your website.

3.- Privacy Policy and Conditions of Use

Some users do not bother to access these documents, but others do take great importance to these contents.

The privacy policies detail how your company handles collected user data, while the terms of use reflect what the company is and is not responsible for with respect to the website itself.

Even to comply with the legislation of certain countries, offering a space to detail the aspects concerning the privacy policy and conditions of use will help you have fewer things to worry about.

The footer is an ideal area for the visitor to find access to this information, without the need to highlight it in the main menu of your website.

4.- Copyright Notice

This is a warning that aims to persuade anyone outside your organization to make use of the resources displayed on your website without proper authorization.

This notice is only a text that includes the copyright symbol and/or the word itself, followed by the year and the name of the person who claims responsibility for them. It can serve as evidence in case it is required to attend to any legal conflict,

Although you can include it in any area of ​​your website, the space designated for this protection measure is often the footer.

5.- Site Map

Although this is a document that most likely your website visitors will not want to see, including access to the sitemap in HTML or XML version in the footer has its benefits.

This file includes each of the pages that make up your website. The robots that work for the search engines use these files to index the content.

But, if a curious user also visits your site, the file will allow him to precisely know its entire structure and access certain content that is of interest to him.

Both aspects are well seen by Google algorithms, since we are talking about improving the user experience and facilitating the indexing of content. Therefore, it is highly recommended to include this element at the bottom of your website.

6.- Subscription Form

One of the goals of the sales funnel is to convert visitors into prospects. For this, email addresses are captured that can facilitate constant communication to bring the prospect closer to the point of purchase.

Now, it is necessary to think of the footer as another clear opportunity to get subscriptions to your mailing lists. Thus, with the implementation of a good content strategy, you will surely be able to increase your client portfolio in a short time.

7.- Achievements and Support

The footer is also an ideal space to display awards, as well as certifications obtained or associated organizations that support the activity of your business.

This will increase the confidence in the visitor, who will consider that it is a trustworthy company or brand. If these awards, certificates or organizations have a special logo, be sure to include them.


The footer of your website should be optimized to facilitate the achievement of your business's marketing objectives, as well as to comply with some legal guidelines and protect creative resources.

This is a space often forgotten, but from now on it is necessary to keep in mind to improve the conversion.

To optimize the footer of your website, you need to include:

●       Contact information, including links to your social media profiles.

●       Navigation links that facilitate direct access to other pages, of those people who have navigated to the lower section of your website.

●       Access to privacy policies and conditions of use, to offer clarity to the user about the handling of their data and the responsibilities they assume.

●       Copyright notice to protect the creative resources that have been included on your website.

●       Map of the site to facilitate the total indexing of the site and offer another form of access to the most curious users.

●       Subscription form, to capture conversion-oriented contact information.

●       Images of awards, certificates or organization logos that support the activity of your business, to increase confidence.

Thanks for your time ;-)
