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The 7 Worst Mistakes a Website Can Have – And How to Avoid Them

The 7 Worst Mistakes a Website Can Have – And How to Avoid Them

Are you not getting enough conversions on your website? Is the bounce rate too high? Maybe it's time to take a new look at the site, with the aim of fixing those small but devastating errors that may be affecting your results.

Although, this post is not about the importance of website performance optimization For conversions and bounce rate, if you haven't done so already, this would be a very important bug not covered in this list and one that you'd highly recommend reviewing as a priority.

On this occasion we will focus on another class of errors that must be considered and that sometimes may not be taken into account as much but that will have a significant impact on the success of any website.

So without further ado, let's get started with this list of the 7 worst mistakes a website can make.

1.- Not Being Optimized for Mobile Devices

According to data provided by wearesocial, there are approximately 4.95 billion Internet users and at least 92.1% access via mobile devices.

Even in Spanish-speaking countries, the proportion of users with mobile devices tends to be higher than those who access through computers and tablets, according to Statistical.

Additionally, 74% of people are more likely to return to a site when it is optimized for mobile devices (webfx).

So one of the reasons why a web page is losing visits is because the site is not properly optimized for mobile devices. Is free google tool allows you to verify whether or not the site meets this criteria.

2.- Overloaded or Outdated Web Design

Among the resources most valued by users while browsing a website are images, videos and color, among others. However, it is important not to overload the site as this will not only affect performance, but it will be unpleasant and counterproductive when it comes to generating conversions.

According to a study of Good Firms, 84.6% of web designers believe that overloaded design is the most common mistake small businesses make. While 38.5% believe that an outdated design is one of the main reasons why visitors leave a website.

Furthermore, according to webfx 94% of first impressions are related to the web design of your site.

Therefore, take a close look at the design of your website. Today it is possible to find some very nice and well thought out ones with an approach that is perhaps a little more minimalist but that is more effective for the objectives of your business. An important example is the service Create Your Website, which is easy to manage and with modern web design options ready to build and publish without programming or technical knowledge of any kind.

The lifespan of a website is estimated to be between 18 and 30 months, so if your website design is a bit older than this, consider renovating as soon as possible.

3.- Absence of a Call to Action

According to SWEOR, 70% of small business websites lack a call to action (CTA) on their home page. Your website has a primary objective and this is to generate conversions, that is, introduce visitors to your sales funnel.

That is why this instrument must be very well thought out to lead the user, through the text and the rest of the elements, at least, to leave their contact information. But, nothing will happen if the user is not managed through a concrete and easy to identify call to action.

Keep in mind that CTA buttons should be visual stimuli that persuade the visitor to do what you need them to do. So we invite you to analyze your site and verify that it has at least one call to action.

Test and see if a change in text, color or effects can make a difference to increase sales or visits to your website.

Green and orange are estimated to be the colors that work best in CTA buttons, according to wordstream. But, if it's an e-commerce site, the ones in red can increase sales and conversions by up to 34%, according to cxl.

4.- Not Specifying Your Value Proposal, Means of Contact and Information about the Company

According to webalive, 86% of visitors want to have information about your products or services once they enter the site. While 64% expect to get contact information and 52% will go looking for information about your business.

One of the most common recommendations in copywriting is not letting the user have to do a lot of research to find out what they will get on a website. In fact, the main section should be meant to answer: What do you sell? o What can you offer me?

Verify that your site offers detailed information about your solutions, how to get them, what those who have already bought from you say and what your company does to provide trust and produce that engagement that allows the visitor to overcome any resistance to conversion.

5.- Non-Scannable Text

Users on computers and mobile devices read differently than they do physically. The most common reading pattern is the one that forms a letter F, although there are others such as smeared, pastel, layered and compromise.

However, what actually occurs is a kind of scan that is very complex to follow when large blocks of text are used.

To keep users' attention, it is customary to use subtitles, bulleted lists, very short paragraphs, simple writing, among other elements.

So check that your texts are really attractive even from a visual point of view, to reduce fatigue and ensure that the message is fully understood.

6.- Unclear or Difficult to Locate Navigation Menu

One of the main guidelines for the design of a web page is to facilitate navigation within the site for visitors. If the user cannot quickly identify how to get around your website, it is very logical that he desist from staying there.

You may want to have an attractive and different website, but the recommendation is that the menu and links remain in those usual spaces where the user will try to find them.

Create really functional menus, well organized and with an unbeatable location within the site. Otherwise, you will be sending safe traffic to your competition, since the visitor will feel prevented from continuing to satisfy their need.

In fact, according to hubspot, 76% of consumers say that the most important factor in designing a website is making it easy for them to find what they want.

7.- Use of Stock Photos

Your website must be authentic. Showing original photos about your products, work team, infrastructure and culture will provoke more interest in the visitor and this will motivate them to stay longer.

In addition, in this way it is easier to build trust by showing the face and processes of those behind the organization with which the user intends to link.

Pages with original photos are estimated to have nearly 35% higher conversion rates than those that use stock, according to blue compass.

So create original photos to keep the attention and favoring the creation of engagement with the users of your site.


If you feel that your website is not achieving the marketing objectives that you have set for yourself, it is time for you to check if you are making these 7 worst mistakes that have to do with web design in general:

●       Lack of optimization for mobile devices.

●       Overloaded or outdated web design.

●       Lack of a call to action.

●       Not specifying the value proposition, contact details and information about the company.

●       Unscannable text.

●       Navigation menu unclear or difficult to locate.

●       Use of stock photos.

Of course, in addition to all this, it is necessary to take into consideration the optimization of the web in terms of loading speed.

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