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Statistics: In which Social Network should Create Advertising Ads? (According to Your Audience)

Approximately 84% of the world's population with Internet access use social networks.


Most of these users are between 18 and 30 years old, with an approximate consumption of between 1 and 3 hours a day. In other words, it is a young population that is fully inserted into economic activities for their professional development.


Below, you will find statistics that will help you choose the ideal social network to advertise according to the type of audience you want to reach.


1.- Statistics on Facebook

It is the undisputed queen of recent times, as it is the most used social network since it was launched in 2004. It has more than 3 billion active users in the world,

of which 43% of them are Asian, followed by Latin Americans and Africans with 33%, Europeans with 15%, while Canada and the United States represent 9%.

But, if we look at individual countries, India, the United States and Indonesia have the largest number of users with 320, 190 and 140 million of them. (Hootsuite / We Are Social).



Of these users, 44% are female, while the remaining 56% are male. The highest proportion of audience of this social network is between the ages of 25 to 34 years. followed by the range of 18 to 24, and 35 to 44 years.

However, the interesting thing about this social network is that it has a good audience among the population over 45 years of age. 98.3% of them access via mobile device while only 1.7% do so through a personal computer.

Most of these accesses are made through the Android operating system, followed by iOS and others. The most shared contents are both photos and videos, and on average users spend almost 20 hours a month in this powerful social network.

Despite everything that happened with the pandemic, Facebook increased its revenue in 2020 which reached 86 billion dollars, compared to the year 2019, when it reached 71 billion.

This may be because more than 160 million companies used Facebook each month in the same period.


2.- Statistics on Instagram

This social network, ideal for sharing photos and short videos, was launched in 2010 and bought by Facebook in 2012. Today it has more than 1 billion users, of which an estimated 51% are women and 49% are men.



The countries with the largest audience in this social network are India, the United States and Brazil. On average, each account makes at least one post a day, of which 64.9% are photos, 17.8% videos, and 17.3% carousels.

65.8% of its audience is between 18 and 34 years old. It is estimated that each user spends at least 10.3 hours per month in this social network.

The most popular topics according to the most mentioned hashtags are fashion, art, beauty, photography, nature and travel.


3.- Statistics on Youtube

Although for many YouTube is not exactly a social network but the second most used search engine in the world, the truth is that it also uses social signs such as following channels, giving them likes and sharing.



In addition, it has an important audience that amounts to 2 billion monthly visits with one billion videos played per day, which makes it even more attractive to the business market.

45.8% of users are women while 54.2% are men. 53.2% of this audience is focused on ages between 18 and 44, the majority located in India, USA and Brazil.

The most searched topics on YouTube are music, cartoons, video games like Minecraft and Fortnite, as well as content about ASMR. 70% of these reproductions are made via mobile devices and the monthly time invested in visualizations is close to 24 hours.


4.- Statistics about TikTok

This social network has more than 689 million users to its credit and it became popular for the ease it presents to make short and funny videos, which become a kind of addiction for many consumers.

49% of its users are women and 51% men. 69% of TikTok users are made up of people between the ages of 16 and 24, and the average time spent by the audience is 46 minutes per day.



TikTok was the most downloaded application in 2020 with more than 2 billion clicks, of which the majority were made during the first trimester.



At least 1.5 million came via Google Play and the highest percentage of these were made in India and the United States.


5.- Statistics on Twitter

This microblogging social network was launched in 2006 and is today one of the strongest in advertising terms. Although many say that it is dying, the truth is that it brings together an important audience with very specific characteristics.

Twitter has more than 353 million active users, of which according to the company itself by 2020 192 million were monetizable, that is, they were able to consume advertisements on that platform.



31.5% of this audience is made up of women and 68.5% of men. The highest proportion of the male gender is between 35 and 49 years old, while the majority female audience is between 18 and 24 years old.



The largest number of users are located between the USA, Japan and India, although the Latin American countries include Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia. On average, users spend 5.6 hours per month on this social network.

After Google, Youtube and Facebook, Twitter is the most accessed website in the world, according to Similar Web.




Social networks are an important means of contact and publication of information, depending on the type of audience you want to reach. The 5 most used networks in these terms are Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok and Twitter.

Facebook's audience is one of the widest, because although its ages place it as aimed at young people, it also successfully integrates the older or mature population.

While Instagram targets younger users, between 18 and 34 years old, as well as TikTok for ages between 16 and 24 years old. For its part, the YouTube audience is also wide because it focuses on people between 18 and 44 years old.

Last but not least Twitter, which serves a more adult population for males and more youthful for females.
