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Metaverse Guide: What is it, How to enter and How Many Are There?

Metaverse Guide: What is it, How to enter and How Many Are There?

The first public metaverse was Second Life, released in 2007. Since then, the world has seen many others. There are different versions of the metaverse, so this is an interesting topic to explore.

The Metaverse is a term used to describe collective virtual worlds accessed through the use of an avatar.

Although it is not a new concept, only in recent years has this term begun to be used to refer to these virtual environments.

But, it's not always easy to know exactly what it means and where to start. In this article, you will find information on how you can enter these virtual worlds and how many exist.

What is the Metaverse?

The metaverse in computing is a term used to describe digital reality.that uses virtual reality technologies, although it also incorporates augmented reality.

It is a combination of the Internet and the real world. The metaverse is where all VR worlds, including user-generated content, reside.

Many activities can be performed in the metaverse. The most common is entertainment, but the truth is that some allow you to work, study and even carry out scientific activities.

In most of the metaverse it is possible to meet other users and interact with them, you can even buy and sell items.

The metaverse has been around for several years and has undergone many changes during this time. But, in recent times it has become a more widespread concept and accessible to the general public.

How to enter the Metaverse?

If you are interested in exploring the metaverse, you will need a computer that meets the necessary technical requirements. This computer must have a graphics card capable of running virtual reality software.

Second, you need to have a high-speed Internet connection. And finally, as an option, virtual glasses that allow you to see in the virtual world. Although these accessories maximize the user experience, they are not always necessary.

The metaverses can also be accessed via a VR-enabled mobile phone. With this setup, you're ready to enter the metaverse.

What Metaverses Are Currently Existing and Which Are the Most Popular?

While it is difficult to count the number of metaverses that currently exist, since each one has its own characteristics that make it unique. However, it is estimated that there are over 100 virtual worlds in the metaverse right now.

In addition, according to statistics, in the last six years the number of users joining virtual worlds has increased. Some of the most popular virtual worlds in the metaverse today are:

Meta Workrooms

Workrooms is a virtual reality application created especially for work meetings in spaces defined by you. Among its benefits, it allows you to create virtual screens without the need for any support object.

You will be able to maintain a clear orientation, since this tool uses spatial audio, as well as avatars that follow your gestures to enrich the communication between the participants.

Meta Horizon Worlds

Meta Horizon Worlds it is a social universe where it is possible to meet friends and meet other people, play games, attend events and more. It has more than 10 thousand thematic worlds that include comedy, haunted houses, among is a social universe where it is possible to meet friends and meet other people, play games, attend events and more. It has more than 10 thousand thematic worlds that include comedy, haunted houses, among others.

Axis Infinity

Axie Infinity is a blockchain-based game that allows you to create cute creatures that are identified under NFT schemes and non-fungible tokens. These creatures can be traded in a decentralized global marketplace, hence their appeal.

Second Life

Second Life is the pioneer of metaverses and it is a very attractive and functional application that allows contact with people from anywhere in the world. It has a good number of avatars and allows you to carry out everything from educational activities to virtual parties.


Sandbox is a virtual world designed for social interaction and creation. It is powered by the blockchain and has its own cryptocurrency, the Sandcoin.

It is a 3D game, Play To Earn, in which you can create and customize some 3D objects of the NFT type to be sold through the decentralized market that it has.


decentraland is a virtual reality platform powered by blockchain technology. In it you can create worlds, spaces, avatars and experiences in general that can be marketed through the market.

It is very easy to use, you only need to create your world and, if you wish, you can sell it. Also, you can explore the worlds of your neighbors.


Blocktopia it is a decentralized metaverse. It is a 21-story skyscraper, in which its members, called Blocktopians, can earn income through real estate ownership, advertising, gaming, networking, and much more.

Dream Space

Dream Space It is very similar to the Sims game as it allows you to create, share and monetize your own virtual world. It has a cryptocurrency called Somnium token, which can be used to buy virtual goods.

However, like all metaverse you can interact with other people and explore entire cities, if that's your taste.


webverse allows users to create virtual spaces, interact with each other and generate rich virtual experiences. It also makes it easy for users to monetize their virtual spaces, using the Ethereum-based blockchain itself.

Star Atlas

Star Atlas is a game set in space, in which it will be possible to explore other worlds, as well as extract resources and trade with them. The NFT objects in this game will be spaceships, weapons, tools, among other objects.

It is still in the development phase, but it is one of the most popular for investment. However, this platform is still in the early stages of development and, although its trailer is very impressive He has a long way to go.


Minecraft is a game that allows players to build virtual worlds using pre-created blocks. Due to its open source nature, it has inspired many other games and has attracted millions of players of all ages.

Users can use their own imagination to build anything they want, including their own buildings, tools, and more. It is one of the most popular games in the world and already gathers more than 150 million users per month.


fortnite is a tremendously popular game that has been all the rage on the internet for a few years now. In it, players face off in a virtual world, using weapons and abilities to fight their way to the top.

Fortnite is actually a metaverse, where players can meet other players and interact with them in real time. It's fast-paced and fun for all ages, and has a huge following on social media.

Nvidia Omniverse

omniverse It is a somewhat different platform, since it is aimed at companies that want to carry out accurate tests on factory processes, climate studies, power plants or 5G networks, among other scientific topics.

It has artificial intelligence tools that allow the creation of high-precision data for the prediction of results.

The Future of the Metaverse: Where Are We Going?

The metaverse is constantly evolving and there are many advances that continue to improve its potential. For example, more and better devices and equipment for connection are released every year.

Virtual reality applications are also becoming more advanced, with features such as room-scale viewing, to walk through the game world.

Other features are motion tracking controllers, which allow you to interact with the virtual world. The developers are also incorporating more advanced graphics.

These advances are leading to more immersive and realistic virtual and augmented reality experiences. The more advanced graphics also allow for better 3D reconstruction, which is important for reproducing real-world environments.

The metaverse has the potential to change the way we interact with others. For example, it can be used to help people with social anxiety by allowing them to socialize in a controlled environment.

When it comes to the future of the metaverse, there are many possibilities.


Digital reality is here to stay. Technology is increasingly accessible and affordable, so more people will be able to experience its benefits and this is tremendously favorable for the development of the different metaverses.

We have seen profound changes in the way we interact with others through social networks, and metaverses are bringing about even more significant changes in this regard.

They have the potential to change the way we learn, work and play., thanks to the fact that, with more advanced graphics, it is possible to replicate real-world environments.

The metaverse, as a concept, is still in its infancy and there are many exciting developments ahead.

Thanks for your time ;-)
