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Key Trends That Will Shape Social Media in 2022

Discover the news that will come into force this 2022 in the field of social networks.

In 2021, social networks became the number one marketing channel, according to hubspot. This explains the war that exists between the various technology companies that approach the market, to maintain their quotas or gain more space.

Hence, changes in algorithms that include attractive features are frequently announced. For example, thanks to the success of short TikTok videos, both instagram reels like Youtube Shorts became big hits last year.

From a marketing point of view, it is essential to know these trends, since they are favored by algorithms in terms of reach or can represent important opportunities to reach a certain audience.

Below, you will find the latest trends in social networks in 2022, if you are looking to make your brand known or boost your sales.



You know what Instagram moved to give videos a higher priority last yearand that it has incorporated more and more functions that resemble TikTok. This is due to the strength that the Asian application took during the pandemic and that it was a good imbalance for this social network.

Hence, she was forced to make risky decisions to keep her audience.

So in 2022, Instagram will redouble its focus on consolidating videos within the app, with a view to keeping the social network's engagement curve growing.

But, the big news at the beginning of the year was announced by its CEO, Adam Mosseri, and it refers to changes in the feed that, by the way, are already in the testing period. The feed will split now between Home, Favorites and Following.

home It will be the space in which information of interest to the user will be displayed, that is, there you will be able to observe the publications suggested by the algorithm according to what it considers may be relevant to you.

In Favorites, the content, both feed and stories, of those accounts that you have chosen and marked with this attribute will be displayed, regardless of whether they are friends, family, brands or content creators.


Following It will present the content, both feed and stories, in reverse chronological order.

This is how Instagram seeks to give the user greater autonomy, so that they decide the type of content they want to consume within the social network.

The company would also be exploring new advertising modalities, to make them less invasive than the formats known until now. Meanwhile, brands must take advantage of both reels and stories to gain connection with their audience.



The leading messaging application on the market will also incorporate new features in 2022.

So far at least 7 are known, among which are:

  • A sticker maker for the mobile app.
  • The invisible mode so that nobody finds out about the last connection.
  • The possibility of hiding sensitive information such as photo, description, information and status detailing contact by contact, and not in a generalized way as it is until now.
  • Delete messages without time limit.
  • Transcription from audio to text.
  • Reactions to messages with certain emoticons directly, like on Instagram.
  • Fusion of WhatsApp with Instagram.

The latter is one of the most striking, especially from a marketing point of view, since it is expected that Instagram content can be seen within WhatsApp. In fact, it is said that the reels can reach our WhatsApp profiles, which will undoubtedly expand the scope of online advertising.

Additionally, WhatsApp would be preparing to allow the search for nearby stores and businesses within the application. Thanks to the boom that sales have had through this application, this would be a functionality that would help pave the way to facilitate conversions even more.

The application would have a kind of business directory in which it is possible to establish communication directly, as well as visit the profile, the website, view the catalog and make purchases through Facebook and Instagram.

The function is under trial in Brazil and would be named something like Business Nearby or Nearby Businesses.



The social network of the little blue bird hit the target last year with the incorporation of the popular Spaces. These audio rooms are ideal for creating discussions with a certain theme and have been widely accepted by their audience.

Brands can implement them to listen to their audience, know what they think and generate greater engagement with their target audience. But, a novelty that is already in transit is the possibility of react to a Tweet through a video.

And, although it seems that the idea has not yet caught on among users, everything indicates that Twitter wants to pay the same way as Instagram and TikTok, betting on video content.

This functionality is currently only available for iOS. To use it, it is necessary to click on Retweet, then a menu will appear in which it is necessary to choose the option Quote Tweet with reaction and select a video or a photo as a means of response.

The truth is that it can be interesting if what you want is to know how your customers use a certain product or observe their reactions when they talk about your brand.

If your business audience is on Twitter, you can use this option creatively to provide a closer relationship between your customer and your business.

In addition to this, Twitter has bought some applications that give an idea of ​​the features that may be activated in the coming months. Some of them are:

  • breakers:A podcasting app.
  • Reveu: A subscription newsletter company.
  • Sphere: An application to hold group chats.
  • Quill: For instant messaging.



In addition to the great boom that the company generated with the change of name to Meta, the idea of ​​generating metaverses with clear business models has given much to talk about in recent months.

But, in addition to this, there are not a few scandals that the company has gone through in terms of its morality regarding sensitive issues.

The truth is that both Facebook and Instagram ads will limit Interest targeting options.

Thus, as of January 2022, the configuration options that delimit an ad by a certain sexual orientation, health condition, religion, political affiliation, among other topics, will be eliminated.

New social networks enter the fray
You must already know all the scandal that occurred with the Big Tech for political issues between the end of 2020 and all of 2021. In the midst of this great high-level war, and to balance the forces, a new social network emerged at the end of last year called Gettr, which has been promoted by a former assistant and spokesman for Donald Trump.

Some have cataloged it as the clone of Twitter, but in any case the microblogging application wishes to allow free thought without discrimination for political reasons, as a differentiating value.

However, Trump has not been left behind and it is expected that in February he will launch his own social network called Truth Social or social truth, which is very similar to Twitter. In addition, it would be about to launch its own streaming service called TMGT +.



2022 is shaping up to be a busy year in terms of new functionalities for social networks and the incorporation of some others to the market. And it is that these social media have become the number one medium par excellence for marketing.

This is how Instagram presents itself with a change in its feed with the division between publications in its Home, Favorites and those accounts that you are Following.

WhatsApp merges with Instagram and will be able to show reels, in addition to incorporating a business directory for location by geographic location.

Twitter implements reactions through videos, after its success with Spaces. And it seems that it would be looking to exponentially expand its functionalities with the purchase of some applications.

Facebook will remove certain Interests targeting options on sensitive topics.

While new social networks have come out and others are about to come to the fore to provide greater freedom of opinion to users.

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