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Instagram transforms: Find out what it will become

Learn about the changes that the Instagram CEO has announced and that will be implemented in the coming months in various areas of content and communication.

Social networks are one of the great phenomena of recent times. They have facilitated communication and entertainment, capturing the attention of very specific audiences.

Instagram from its birth differed from many other proposals by betting on content in the format of photographs. This helped him win over the youngest user and achieve a place that many have wanted to reach.

There are not a few social networks that have emerged to address the same target audience of Instagram. They have done it with innovative and sympathetic proposals that at the time represented a risk for the company.

Hence, as a consumer, you have been able to appreciate how when some functionality of another social network goes viral, Instagram puts its development team in tune to implement this attractive novelty in its spaces.

So it tries to persuade you that its environment offers you everything, that you have nothing to look for outside and in the end we are all convinced that it is true. It happened with Snapchat stories and also with funny TikTok videos.

So far the strategy has worked very well for him, which apparently has given Instagram enough strength and courage to provoke and challenge the God of video content, YouTube, among other demigods of these formats as well as WhatsApp itself.

We learned about this on June 30 when Adam mosseri, director of Instagram, announced important changes to the application. The executive said that what is to come focuses on 4 main areas: content creators, videos, shopping and messaging.

So let's see what this important social network will become in the next few days.


Content Creators

Surely you have heard of OnlyFans, because this social network that has been overflowed with adult content, has been the focus of many jokes in the Latino community who regularly recommend opening an account to alleviate any failure in the personal economy.

However, it has gained a lot of popularity because it makes it easier for content creators to earn income under various modalities: subscription fees, paid messages, and tips.

Everything seems to indicate that Instagram has found something interesting in this business model and has chosen to incorporate exclusive stories or “Exclusive Stories” in its application in the best OnlyFans style.

In this way you will be able to reserve content for those users who have become fans of the account, who are willing to make a financial contribution. With this, Instagram will not only be able to consolidate in the economic area, but also hinder the growth of OnlyFans.


Video Content

Yes, the executive has mentioned the importance of video content in recent times and how TikTok and YouTube have grown thanks to this striking format. In addition, he has categorically expressed that they are no longer a photo app.

This does not mean that you will not be able to share your photos in your account and publish content of interest in static format.

What it means is that in the coming times they will focus on developing new functionalities that bring them closer to those social networks that enjoy resounding success in what until recently was not their strongest point or their main focus.

And, of course, in their business models.

Remember that the consumer has changed product preferences that there is a large amount of content presented in multiple ways. Hence, it is necessary to become more and more striking to capture their attention.

In addition, the data networks that the world enjoys today are much more powerful than those that existed at the time of the launch of Instagram. This is why the decision is between adapting or dying, and the choice is more than obvious.

So Mosseri has proposed leaving square photos behind and, among the novelties of this social network, incorporating the full-screen option in videos as a means to deliver a more immersive experience. This will lead Instagram to look more like TikTok or Youtube.



With regard to purchases, Instagram intends to take advantage of the jump from the offline world to the online that some businesses have been forced to carry out, after the effects on the market caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

So, although it does not give very deep data on this aspect, we think that they will create new functionalities for Instagram Shopping to expand and strengthen much more within the business market.


Messenger Service

Regarding messaging, he also indicated that people have changed the way they communicate and have moved away from both stories and feeds.

Remember that WhatsApp has found it very complex to successfully complete the incorporation of advertising in the states.

Perhaps this is the reason why Instagram tests with the incorporation of a lock icon.

Apparently they intend to include end-to-end encryption to make the conversations more private and perhaps gain the space that consolidates what the most used messaging app has not yet achieved, knowing what is being talked about to offer advertising.

If they can get people to use the network to chat beyond short messages as well, they may achieve that goal.


Other Important Information

In addition to the aforementioned, Adam mentions that they will experiment with the possibility of suggesting topics to follow and that they have already considered making suggestions for content within the feed.

All this will begin to be implemented in the coming months and the goal is to turn Instagram into an entertainment social network, since the workers of this important technology company have detected that the user enters with the intention of being distracted.



Instagram is transformed. What until now was a photo social network with additional functionalities, will now have a special focus on entertainment and will work to strengthen itself in 4 main areas:

●       Content creators
●       Videos
●       Shopping
●       Messenger service

For content creators it will focus on presenting viable monetization options, while for videos it will create more immersive experiences through the full screen option.

As for purchases, it will take advantage of the expansion that online sales are currently having and for the messaging area it will adjust some security options to achieve greater interaction in its chat area.
