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How to Remove Malware on Your Website? The Guide

How to Remove Malware on Your Website? The Guide

According to data published by the security company Kaspersky, in the last year there was a 27% increase in the number of different scripts, sent through malicious email campaigns or found on infected websites.

Computer attacks have not stopped growing. And during the last time they accelerated even more. An infected website is a problem for any brand or business, since it not only affects its image, but it can also be the object of losses in sales or theft of various kinds.

Extreme security measures is the most recommended path to follow.

There are free online tools that can help detect if your site has been infected with any kind of malware.

Below you will find what they are and how to use them.

What is Malware?

Malware is a generic term used to group malicious software that is installed on computers for purposes not authorized by its owner. Adware, spyware, viruses, bots, Trojans, worms, and ransomware fall under this definition.

Malware can affect not only computers, but also your mobile devices. This intrusive program is commonly acquired through downloads from infected websites, on public networks, outdated software (WordPress “the favorite”), links in emails, USB sticks, external hard drives, peer to peer services, and more.

When you are responsible for uploading information to the website of your brand or company, it is also necessary to verify that your work equipment is not infected with any software of this type.

This is the most common means of infection, but attackers also use obtaining your web username and password to insert code without you noticing.

Types of Malware

There are many types of malware, but among the most widespread are:


The Trojan horse, in perfect analogy with the Trojan horse, appears as a normal file, but hides the real danger. Its goal is to take control of the computer and send information to the attacker, as well as install more malicious code.


It is a software that is inserted in a coordinated manner in a large number of computers distributed throughout the network. They act in concert to carry out attacks, send spam, steal data, or create deceptive browser ads.


This is a code that is inserted into your computer and locks it. Then, the attacker contacts you to request a payment in exchange for returning the operation of your equipment and availability of the information.


This software has been created to replicate between computers that have communication or connection. It does not infect files, but rather uses connections or resources such as RAM memory to infiltrate other computers. It aims to crash equipment or networks, completely affecting productivity, as well as perform unauthorized actions.


This code, unlike worms, is inserted into files to change the behavior of the computer. It requires the human to spread, as in email attachments or links that lead to infected files and are easier to detect.


This software is installed on computers or browsers to display advertisements, thus guaranteeing revenue for the attacker. They steal information to personalize advertising.

Signs that Your Computer or Your Hosting is Infected with Malware

There are a number of symptoms that can make you think that your computer or your hosting may be infected with some kind of malware:

Slow performance

If you notice that your computer or website is running very slowly, it is possible that some type of malware is clogging its resources.

Deleted files

Some page of your website stops working properly or files start to disappear on your computer.

Suspicious mailings

If you find out or notice that emails are being sent from your web address without your authorization, it is possible that there is malicious code acting for this purpose.

Information blocking

If you try to access the equipment or part of the information contained in it and request some type of password that has not been configured by you or those responsible.

3 Free Tools to Detect Malware on Your Website

There are tools that are responsible for detecting the presence of some type of malware on your website or in a file:

1.- VirusTotal

It is one of the most widespread services on the entire network and is kept up to date with respect to the threats that circulate. It allows scanning files and domains, as well as IP addresses.

To scan your website, you only need to access, select the URL tab, enter the email address and press enter. In this way, it will start the scan and inform you if it detects any type of malware.

2.- Security

Securi checks if a page is blacklisted and archives, looking for any kind of malicious code. Its use is also very simple, it is only necessary to include the electronic address of the site and press a click on the Scan Website.

At the end of the scan, it will report the number of URLs scanned, the number of pages and files reviewed, as well as whether the site is a high or low security risk.

3.- PCrisk

Check for malware and security holes within the site. It is only required to enter the URL in the text box and click on the Scan for Malware button.

How to Remove Malware from Your Hosting?

If after a site scan the presence of malware is detected, the following actions are required:

Connect to your hosting via FTP and download all the content of your website to a folder on your computer. Access your client panel within your hosting and change the password of your FTP account.

Scan the content of your entire computer with an antivirus, including the folder that contains the website. It removes files that don't serve any important function and looks for malicious iframes inside reported infected files that you can't remove.

Malicious iframes have the visibility attribute of style with the value hidden. Also check that all src= and http:// redirect to known pages and that they meet a goal set by you or your work team.

Check that within the files there is no name "document.write". Otherwise, delete it.

Now clear the browser cache and via FTP re-upload your website. If you need it, ask for help from the technical support team to help you carry out the most appropriate actions.


Malware is a generic term that encompasses various malicious software that is installed on computers for purposes contrary to the interests of its owners. There are many types, but the most common are Trojans, bots, ransomware, worms, viruses, and adware.

You can suspect that your computer or hosting is infected if you observe slow performance, unexplained deletion of files or emails, as well as blocking access to a computer or part of it.

To detect malware on your website, you can use the following free tools: VirusTotal, Securi and PCrisk.

It is possible to remove malware manually, but it is best to contact your hosting support team to take the most effective actions.

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