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How to Make Ads on Instagram: Step by Step (2022)

How to Make Ads on Instagram: Step by Step (2022)

Instagram is one of the most powerful social networks today, according to the report Digital 2022 Developed by Hootsuite and We Are Social, this is the fourth most used social network in the world, only surpassed by YouTube, Facebook and WhatsApp.

Its high effectiveness in terms of sales and conversion, make it ideal for companies. 44% of people use Instagram to make purchases every week and its advertising reach increased last year by 20.5%, thus surpassing Facebook itself.

Therefore, if you are wondering what is the best social network to sell today, surely the answer is Instagram and they have worked very hard on it for some time.

Advertising on Instagram is highly segmentable, an aspect that has been inherited from the Facebook platform. This provides an additional advantage, since it increases the precision regarding the selection of profiles while reducing the expenses for this concept.

If you want to know how you can make ads on Instagram in 2022, you will find the detail below. But first, you will find some elements that need to be mastered.

What is an Ad on Instagram?

An ad on Instagram is an image or video that you pay for to have a greater reach on this social network, addressing certain profiles that match the target audience of your brand.

If you still do not recognize an ad from this social network, it is an image that just below the account name includes the word Advertising and looks like the following:

These ads can include buttons that will redirect you to the profile, as in this case, perhaps to a registration form or to the store within the social network, among many other actions. Everything will depend on the goal you have set for the campaign and the type of ad.

Types of Ads on Instagram

There are many forms of ads on Instagram, each with different goals.

●       Ads in Stories, take advantage of the connection of this tool in the social network.

●       Photo ads are the traditional ones you find on your timeline.

●       Ads with video, you can also place it in the same section.

●       Sequence ads are advertising carousels.

●       Collection ads, inspire and encourage purchase.

●       Ads in the Explore tab, for those who browse with the intention of discovering new content proposals.

●       Ads in Shopping, more effective because they take the buyer directly to the product description.

How much does an Ad or Ads cost on Instagram?

The cost of an advertisement depends on many variables such as segmentation, geographical space to be reached, format and period of the year in which the campaign is launched.

Advertising on Instagram works under an auction system, in which ads are displayed based on the profile that is most likely to buy and the amount allocated to the campaign.

According to Hootsuite AdEspresso, for 2017 the CPC by age was in the order of 0.70 and 0.80 dollars. But, just like on Facebook, it is possible to create a campaign with as little as $5.

How do you pay for advertising on Instagram?

Instagram has 3 payment alternatives for your advertising:

●       PayPal

●       Credit or debit card

●       ad credit

How to Make Ads on Instagram?

First of all, it is important to know that to advertise on Instagram, you have to have a company profile or creator account geared towards influencers. It is also necessary to have your Facebook page linked to the Instagram account.

There are two ways under which it is possible to make ads on Instagram.

Advertise on Instagram from the Application

The first of them is through the blue button that says Promote publication and that is located in the posts shown in your profile.

If any regular advertising is being well received by the audience, Instagram itself will make a suggestion to promote said publication.

To do this, click on the button and choose the options about who will see your ad, where you want the user to go, how much you are going to spend and for how long.

Now, click on Create promotion and wait to evaluate the results.

Advertise on Instagram from Facebook Business Manager

Facebook has the strongest advertising platform in the digital world. To take advantage of all its advantages, the Meta company has included Instagram within the Facebook Business Manager.

The steps to make announcements in this way are as follows:

  1. Enter the Facebook Business Manager with your Facebook account and click the Create button. Once you do, it will launch Guided Creation, which works like a wizard and is ideal for those just starting out. If you wish, you can opt for Quick Create which includes more detail and is ideal for more experienced users, but this explanation is based on the first option.
  2. Choose the objective of your campaign. This can take some time, because there are not few options. You can run campaigns for Brand Awareness, Reach, Traffic, App Installs, Engagement, Video Views, Lead Generation, Messages, Conversions, Catalog Sales, and Store Traffic.
  3. Give the campaign a name. The platform will assign the chosen campaign objective by default, but it is recommended to put something more descriptive that includes period and year.
  4. Describe your audience. You must indicate the place, age and gender, as well as other demographic, interest or behavioral data with which you want to segment your audience.
  5. Choose the location of your ad. There you must indicate if you want the place within the application where your ads will be displayed to be decided by Instagram or if you want to do it yourself.
  6. Assign budget and schedule. Here you can choose a daily budget or a total amount to spend for the campaign. Regarding the schedule, you can specify if you want the ads to appear throughout the day or only during a specific time range. To the extent that you assign values ​​to this data, the platform will indicate the possible reach that you will have with this ad.
  7. Create the ad. Choose the format between sequence, image or video. Choose the images or videos, write the text of the ad, select a payment option, make a final review and confirm.

In this way, your ad will begin to flow throughout the social network. You can track the results later.


Instagram is the fourth most used social network in the world and has great effectiveness in terms of sales. Ads are images or videos that gain greater reach and accuracy within the app.

There are many ways to advertise, such as in stories, the feed, in the store, among others. On average you can pay between 0.70 and 0.80 per click on these ads and it is done through Paypal, Credit Card, Debit Card or Advertising Credit.

You can advertise by promoting a post that has been well received by your audience or through Facebook Business Manager. The latter allows greater precision in segmentation issues.

Thanks for your time ;-)
