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Grasshopper: Learn to Program in Javascript Easily

Grasshopper, a free platform to start in the world of development, from the hand of Google.

Some professions seem to be detrimental, but this is not the case with programming. Every day new needs for digital products or services arise that are covered by developers worldwide.

One of the most widely used programming languages ​​for a long time is JavaScript. This is used to generate dynamic content on web pages, which is why it is combined with HTML and CSS.

Together, these three languages ​​are responsible for displaying the content that you can see in your browsers. Colors, images, movements and effects, as well as data management without the intervention of the server, are actions that you can carry out with them together.

If you want to be part of the solution to these global demands of developers, an effective way to gain knowledge is the Grasshopper platform.

With it you will have the possibility to learn, for free and even in a fun way, JavaScript programming so that you can start adding value to the digital world as soon as possible.


What is Grasshopper?



It is an educational platform created by Google, which teaches you to program JavaScript for free and at your own pace.

The educational program is made up of nine modules that will teach you not only the guidelines of the programming language, but also how you should mix it with HTML and CSS to get attractive and functional web pages.

Grasshopper can be accessed not only from the web, but you can also download an application on your mobile phone, either Android or iOS, to learn from wherever you are.


How to Access Grasshopper?

Accessing Grasshopper is very easy. It only requires that you have a Google account to have access to each of the modules that have been developed for this course.

So once you access the website Click on Login and you will get a page like the one below.



Click on the Sign in with Google button. If you are logged in, you will only have to indicate the account with which you are going to enter. Otherwise, you must add your email account and password.

After this, you will have direct access to the main Grasshopper panel.



How to Access the JavaScript Course in Grasshopper?

In the main panel you will get both the welcome and the modules that you must develop to pass the course. The only one that has the green button at the beginning is the Fundamentals, so you must start with this.

So hit one click Start.



As you can see, the work area changes completely. Now, in the left region you will find all the instructions that you must follow to guide your learning.

Then, in the center you will have the space to write the code in JavaScript that will induce towards the expected knowledge.



In the lower region you will find some keys that will help you enter the default code that the exercise requires, to meet the academic objective you are pursuing.



And, in the right region you will have an overview of the expected result and the one created by the instructions that you have entered in the central region.



Next, the application will offer you additional information so that you understand how the program works. First, click to include the highlighted instruction.



Then, click on the color and watch the sequence.



Then run the code.



Observe the result. When you finish all the colors, you will have met the objective.



Now you can continue to the next class.

Among the techniques used, the platform asks questions to be sure that you have understood the functionality of an instruction.



How is the Certification Process in Grasshopper?

Once you finish each module, the platform will give you a certificate that you can download with your name, which will indicate that you have met the objective.



When you download it, you will get your certificate in PDF format. At the end of the entire course, you will be awarded a global one that you can include in your curriculum or even in social networks such as Linked-In.



Grasshopper is an educational program from Google that will help you reach the minimum levels to learn one of the most widely used programming languages ​​today, such as JavaScript.

With the help of this program, you will be able to carry out a commercial activity that is in high demand today, as it is one of the foundations of web development at a global level.

You only need to have a Google account with your name to log in and start receiving the instruction. Grasshopper will offer you a certificate each time you complete a module and at the end of the course.

The best thing is that it is totally free and you will have support from Google.

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