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Easy Guide - Step by Step - To Install Woocommerce in Wordpress

Easy Guide - Step by Step - To Install Woocommerce in Wordpress

Woocommerce is a WordPress plugin with which you can create great online stores. Installing Woocommerce is simple, but there are a number of details that need to be taken into account to avoid errors.

If this is your first time doing this installation, in this article you will find some ideas to help you install Woocommerce without problems and enjoy the benefits of your e-commerce.

Let's get started!

How to install Woocommerce in Wordpress?

Once you find installed Wordpress in your hosting account, you can continue with the Woocommerce one. The first thing is to access Wordpress and this can be done in two ways:

Access WordPress from cPanel

With the access data provided at the time of activation of your hosting, enter cPanel or administration panel. From there, locate the Software section and click on Wordpress Manager by Softaculous.

Then, from the Softaculous panel, you will find the active installations. Click on the Enter button.

Then you will access the main Wordpress environment.

Access Wordpress with the link

Another way to access your Wordpress installation is through the link:

If you don't know what the installation folder is, use the steps above to get there.

Once you enter Wordpress, you will see the link in the address bar so you can copy it or leave it marked in your browser so that in successive times you do not have to enter cPanel again.

Next, a screen like the one below will appear, so add your Wordpress username and password.

Once you enter the administration panel, we will be ready to start with the installation of Woocommerce.

Woocommerce installation

Now that you are inside Wordpress, let's go with the installation of Woocommerce. To do this, click on the option Plugins - Add new.

Write the word Woocommerce in the search box so that the plugin or add-on appears.

Then click on the Install Now button.

This will start the installation process.

The process will take a few minutes. Once completed, you will have to activate the plugin for it to start working. Click on Activate.

Now the process of configuring your store will begin.

Configuration of Your Store in Woocommerce

After the setup wizard appears, some information will need to be filled in.

Once you fill in the details, click Continue.

Then it will ask you if you want to get more powerful features in Woocommerce by sharing data. Click No Thanks if you don't want to.

Now, indicate the sector of the store.

Choose the type of product and if you want it to show monthly prices. Now, click on Follow.

Define the number of products that you will show and indicate if you already sell elsewhere and click on Continue.

Now, it will suggest you to install some additional plugins that will help you manage your store.

Open the tab and disable all plugins except Jetpack for security, because some of them tend to give installation problems using the wizard. You can add them later.

Click on Follow.

Now, wait a few minutes for the installation to finish.

Finally, select the theme that is most suitable for you. You can choose between free or paid, depending on your preferences. For this example, we will choose a free one.

You can see how your theme will look like, if you click on the Choose button of the option that suits your needs. Remember that you can customize it later.

Wait a few minutes for the installation to finish and you will get a message like the one shown below.

This completes the Woocommerce installation.

Jet Pack Configuration

Since the option to install this plugin has been left active, the wizard will be activated next.

Add your details or sign in with a Google account. Then, click on Create your account. It will then initiate the connection to your store.

Also, it will send an email for you to activate the Jetpack account.

Click on the button Confirm your email address.

After you create your JetPack account, everything will be ready for you to start uploading each of the products and managing your store.

Notice that Woocommerce has been added to the menu panel and from there you can manage and customize the entire store.

Start Adding Products to Your Store

To add products, click on the Add products option, an option like the one below will appear with which it will be necessary to choose the method of loading products. Select Templates.

Select the Start with a template option. Select the type of product and click on Go.

Then you will enter the environment that allows you to add the products. Enter the product name in the top bar and the description in the dialog box.

Add the product image.

Apply the required SEO techniques.

Upload the image and click on Set Product Image.

Add or select the product category.

Fill in other descriptive information about the product, such as price, inventory availability, among others.

If you want to save the information to review later, click Save Draft. But, if you have completed the information, you just have to click on Publish.

Once you finish uploading all the products, we will continue with the configuration. It is required to publish at least one of the products so that you can continue with the configuration of other aspects.

After posting, click Continue setup.

If you don't see it, it doesn't matter. You can also click on the top.

Now Configure the Payment Methods

Choose the following configuration option Set up payments.

By default, the platform incorporates Paypal, cash on delivery and PayPal as payment methods. direct bank transfer.

But, if you click on See more you will be able to see other available methods.

If you want to configure Paypal as a payment method, click on the Start button.

The platform will start installing the respective plugin.

Then click Start.

A screen like this will appear.

Next, scroll down and click on Activate Paypal.

It will be necessary to add a Paypal account that you can create at that time or you can enter the username and password to access a previously created one.

If you want to work cash on delivery, you just have to activate the option.

Then click Manage.

Fill in all the data and click on Save changes.

If you want to accept bank transfers, you must include some details of your bank account. Click on Start.

Then, enter the complete details of your bank account and click on Save.

Once the payment methods are configured, you can continue with the configuration.

You can also add taxes

To set up taxes. Click on Add Tax Fees.

Click on Set taxes manually or if you don't charge taxes I don't charge taxes.

To add a tax, click Insert row.

That action will add a row in which you will have to include the tax data.

When you finish adding the taxes, click Save changes.

Then click Continue setup.

Optional: Configure Marketing Plugins

Click on Get more sales to continue with the process.

There you can activate other plugins that help you promote your products.

Activate the ones you need. But, keep in mind that you will have to log in to your social media accounts or create one on the platform you activate.

Click on the arrow to return to the configuration screen once you are done.

Customize Your Store

Click on Personalize your store.

Click Create a home page.

Upload the logo image and click Select.

Click Run and this completes the configuration.


Installing Woocommerce is a very simple activity that you can do on your own by following these steps.

●       Sign in to Wordpress.

●       Locate the Woocommerce plugin to install and activate it.

●       Configure the initial data of the store.

●       Configure Jetpack or any other plugin that has been requested to be installed automatically.

●       Add products.

●       Configure payment methods.

●       Add the taxes.

●       Set up marketing plugins.

●       Personalize your store.

And that's it, now you can start uploading products and optimizing them to start sales in your online store. Successes in your OnLine ventures...

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