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Easy Guide - 7 Steps to Create a Website with WordPress

Easy Guide - 7 Steps to Create a Website with WordPress

Thinking of launching your own website, but don't know where to start?Maybe you haven't taken the step yet because it seems like a complicated task. Well, the truth is that creating a WordPress website is not as difficult as it seems.

In fact, you can do it in half an hour with just a few clicks. There is nothing simpler than this!

Although it may seem like a complex task, but with the right guidance and resources, you can do it in no time. In this opportunity, we will guide you through the process of creating a WordPress website in 30 minutes or less.

Let's do it!


(Installing Wordpress)

Install Free WordPress Software from cPanel

Once you have contracted a web hosting service, you are ready to install the WordPress software. WordPress is the most popular website creation platform in the world.

To install the WordPress software, you have to enter the cPanel control panel of your Hosting account. To do this, locate the email that you received at the time of purchase which contains the access information and click on the link.

You will access a screen like the one shown below:

Now, enter the username, password and click on Login. This is the environment you will find in your cPanel.

Scroll down to the bottom of your panel until you find the Softaculous App Installer section and click Wordpress.

In this way you will be able to observe the activator for the installation of Wordpress in your hosting. Click on the Install Now button.

Now, you will enter the configuration space of the WordPress installation. Here it is important that you add the name and description of the site, the administrator user, the password and the email.

You should not confuse the login data to Wordpress with those of cPanel. The cPanel is the manager with which you will manage your hosting, while Wordpress will specifically take care of your website.

Make sure you also change the language.


Choose a WordPress Theme

At the bottom of the Wordpress installation configuration environment, you will find a series of themes from which you can choose according to the style and functionality you want to give your website.

If you click the Show all themes button, you will find many more options. Select the one you like and then click Install.

The check will then begin.

And, a few seconds later… Voila! You have installed Wordpress on your hosting.


Complete Your Administrative Pages

Ok, now that Wordpress has been installed, you need to continue with the necessary configuration. The platform has provided you with two links: The first one will take you to see the website and the second to the WordPress administration panel.

This is the WordPress admin panel.

From this space you will create and strengthen your website every day, so that you have the best results.

Within the administrative panel, the platform may ask you to make updates that are necessary to keep your site protected.

For this, click on the Updates option.

By entering the update panel, you will be able to read what your site requires.

In this case it only asks to update a plugin. So you just have to select the element and click on the respective button.

After this, in a matter of seconds the plugin has been updated and the alerts have disappeared.

The next step will be to add data that completes your profile within Wordpress. To do this, go to the menu option Users - Profile.

There you can change the colors of the administration panel, as well as add your name, surname and photo, to complete the profile. Here you can also change your administrator password, when required.

When you complete the data, click on the Update Profile button.


Create Your First Page

A website is made up of a series of pages that follow a design structure that is planned in advance. Commonly, the sites have a main page that is usually called Start or Home.

In addition to this, you can add some pages or sections that meet the information needs of your visitors. These can be Who we are, Products, Services, Blog and Contact.

So go to the side menu and access the Pages - All Pages option.

And then you will see this screen.

By default, the platform installs a Privacy policy page and Sample page or the sample page. You can work on them or delete them all and start over by creating a new page.

After that you will enter the Wordpress block editor, to configure your page. Here each paragraph, image or video is presented as a "block" of content.

Each block brings controls with which you can modify the appearance of your site and edit content. All the blocks are available on the “+” button that is located at the top left of the panel or in the middle right.

You can also add patterns, which are very useful to generate an attractive structure to your page. You can also do this through the “+” button that is located in the upper left part of the panel.

There are patterns for everything you need. So just select the ones you like the most and add them to the main area. As soon as you add each pattern, controls will appear through which you can modify them.

Within this environment, there is another space of relevance in which you can change some aspects of the configuration of the page. To do this, you just have to click on the gear-shaped button that is located in the upper right.

There you can define whether this page will be visible or not, the name of the URL, among other aspects.


Install Essential Plugins

Remember that it is advisable to install as few plugins as possible, each plugin you install will reduce the speed of your website, something that visitors do not want.

However, it is good that you install some plugins that give your site more strength. Among the most recommended are Yoast SEO, W3 Total Cache and Akismet Spam Protection.

To install these and other plugins on your site, you just have to return to the WordPress administration panel. To do this, click on the button located in the upper left section.

In the panel, go to the Plugins option and click on Add new.

Next, all the plugins available to install will be displayed.

Since the list is long, go to the Search for plugins box and add the name of the plugin you want to install.

Now you just have to click on the Install Now button of the plugin to start the installation.

Then, the installation will start so you will have to wait a few seconds.

And when it ends, you will have to activate it by pressing a click on the respective button.

The plugin can then request configuration before starting to work. Just follow his assistant to finish.

You will have to do this process with all the plugins or add-ons you need to improve the performance of your website.


Publish Your Website

Publishing the site is very simple. Once you have everything organized, you just have to access

the page you want to publish.

Then, from that page click on the Publish button.


Make a Backup of Your Site

Finally, you must create a backup so that you have a backup in case your site suffers an attack or a technical problem.

For this you must locate the window in which your cPanel session was open and return to the main environment by clicking on the button shown below.

Then, locate the Files or Archives section and click on the Backup option.

Once you enter the backup panel, you will have to press a click on the button Download a full backup of the account.

Then, you need to choose the place where you want the site to be downloaded and press a click on the Generate Backup button.

This can take a while, so it's best to wait.

And with this, you will have your site ready to start operating.


Although it includes few steps, the truth is that installing Wordpress in your Hosting account with cPanel is an activity that you can do by yourself and following a few simple steps.

You only have to:

●       Register a Domain.

●       Hire a Hosting Plan

●       Install Wordpress from the cPanel Control Panel

●       Choose a theme.

●       Complete the administrative data.

●       Create the pages.

●       Install the plugins or add-ons you need.

●       Publish the site.

●       Make a general backup so that you have the backup of the site in case a problem occurs.

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