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Create an Irresistible Offer in 8 Steps

Learn how to create an irresistible offer in 8 simple steps, so that you increase the sales of your business in certain periods of the year.

Do you have an impeccable, high-quality product or service, but are not getting the sales you project? Now is the time to review the offer.

Believe it or not, you can have the best product in the world, but having an irresistible offer will make your cash register ring.

Do you remember how many times you have gone to a store and bought two more shirts just because they had a 3x2 discount? Or when you went to the perfumery looking for your regular shampoo, but bought another brand just because it came with a cool beach bag?

It is even possible that when that shampoo runs out, you will buy your old brand again, but the offer has met its objective. An item that caught your attention made you buy more or try again a product that you did not have in mind to consume.

This is what an irresistible offer is all about, that set of elements that, mixed together, make your ideal client consume your product or service, or increase the amount of their purchase with some strategies.

So these are the 8 simple steps you must follow to create an irresistible offer in your business.


1.- Determine the Benefits of Your Product or Service

You have configured a product or service with specific characteristics that meet the needs of your ideal client. Now, it is essential to capture their attention and for this you must communicate how your value proposition connects with the problem that needs to be solved.

Talking based on the benefits rather than the attributes that your proposal may have, will help your prospect to create a much clearer image about their solved problem and that will facilitate the creation of a positive emotion that facilitates the purchase.

So create a list of benefits and directly expose the problem (s) that your product or service solves. Include the most common objections, as well as the expectations that your clients have expressed in any way.


2.- Create a Discount

Your product or service has an ideal price that anyone would be willing to pay because of the value it provides. However, when you create a discount, you make your offer much more attractive because the customer perceives that they can get more for less.

Use the regular price to create comparisons, such as: before at $ 35 and now at only 20$, or use the discount percentage as an impact factor for your offer.

Review the percentage of your profit and determine how much of it you are willing to sacrifice in order to give a good boost to your sales. However, it is not always necessary to lower the price, especially if you use the next point.

But, an offer combined with both elements is sure to help increase sales exponentially.


3.- Add Gifts or Bonuses

A good gift can be the difference between buying or not buying a certain product or service. For this you can use both physical and digital gifts, everything will depend on the branch to which you dedicate yourself.

If you sell airline tickets you can include one for free, if you sell mobiles you can give away an accessory or more. But, if you dedicate yourself to manicure services, you can give away a free session or a digital book for those who buy your product in the event that these are virtual.

The important thing is that you do not have to remove that gift or voucher from the essence of your business, since it is about adding value to make your value proposition more attractive but without implying exaggerated costs that later do not allow you to obtain an appropriate profitability.

Nobody works to lose.


4.- Includes Guarantees

Guarantees solve a common problem in people, the fear of giving their money in exchange for a product that was not what they expected or needed.

When you offer support beyond the purchase or let the customer know that they can have their money back if they are not satisfied, you gain a great way in the sale process.

If you think about it in detail, a product can be very exciting, but the idea of ​​handing over the money for some is not attractive. So include guarantees for your product or service, so that you can reduce that layer of pain.


5.- Use Testimonials

Do you remember a time when you went to a restaurant or bought a product just because your friends did too or it was something that was fashionable?

The truth is that human beings tend to follow social patterns just to feel part of the group or accepted in certain spaces. This is what happens when you present testimonials from other clients to your prospects.

It has been shown that just by using them it is possible to increase sales by more than 30%, so you should not stop considering it. The testimonials generate trust and this is a vital factor for the sale, especially when it comes to products that are marketed through digital means.


6.- Seek Support in Urgency and Scarcity

Sometimes your prospect is more than ready to buy, but it just takes a little push. It is at this time when you need a small impact that is possible to achieve with an urgent or scarce resource, either of time or quantity.

When you indicate that the promotion is until that date or only for 24 hours, you create a momentum. But, when you indicate that it is only for the first 100 people or while supplies last, you are based on quantity.

Either works great, when the product actually solves a problem and is at a great price or provides greater value.

Determine what the item will be based on and how you will use it.


7.- Provide Payment Facilities

Another way to get a prospect's attention is to provide payment facilities. The lack of alternatives is one of the great reasons why shopping carts are abandoned And after having created such a promotion, you will not want anything to tarnish it.

Above all, if your products are marketed through digital channels that depend on you and not third parties, try to include the means that your ideal customer may have to make a payment.

Create facilities that are feasible for you or your business, but also expand the possibilities so that the client can acquire your solution without major inconveniences.

In the end, it is about reducing the possible objections that the customer has to make a purchase.


8.- Make Your Offer

Now that you have the necessary elements, you can create your irresistible offer. To promote these products you can rely on the formula for creating successful landing pages.

It is also possible to show them in sales letters, flyers, social media or even in emails. Each business has its cycles and it is important that you evaluate those of your products or services.

Just as bathing suits are sold more in summer or panettone at Christmas, it is necessary to learn to identify when sales rise and when they tend to fall, so you can determine when you require more or less irresistible offers.



An irresistible offer is the result of mixing a set of value for a certain price in a limited space and time, in a way that reduces the resistance of the prospect or client to make a purchase.

To create it you need to follow these steps:

Determine the benefits of your product or service.
Create a discount.
Add gifts or bonuses.
Include guarantees.
Use testimonials
Seek support in urgency and scarcity.
Provide payment facilities.
Make up the offer.

I hope the article has been of help to you, if so, would you let me know in the comments? ;-)


