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Alternatives to ChatGPT: What are the 5 Best?

Alternatives to ChatGPT: What are the 5 Best?

If you are a professional content creator, you will know that the content creation process requires investing a lot of time and effort in key activities such as research, interpretation and generation of final texts that serve your clients in any objective set.

On many occasions, the process ends up being hard because you may be going through various situations, suffer from infoxication or end up completely saturated and without ideas to complete the final product of your work on time.

In recent months, the ChatGPT application was launched in the United States. It is a bot that allows you to easily write articles and automate editing tasks, reducing the need for the editor to invest time in the aforementioned key activities.

However, this powerful and eye-catching tool, which reached more than a million users in just 5 days, is still in the testing phase and is not accessible to all countries.

So if you are looking for the best alternatives to ChatGTP, with free or paid plans, these are some:

1.- YouChat (Free)

Youchat AI, beyond being a complete tool for the exclusive creation of content, it is an intelligent search engine with which you can solve your unknowns.

Its responses are based on content indexed by Google, it works similar to ChatGPT and is based on the same algorithm.

It is designed so that your conversation is natural and fluid, as if you were speaking with another person.

It uses a combination of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing to understand user questions and provide relevant answers.

The use of YouChat AI is free. However, there are some advanced features that are only available as part of a paid subscription such as integration with external systems such as CRM and ERP, 24/7 technical support and assistance, access to the YouChat responses database, among others. .

2.- ChatSonic (Free)

Chatsonic is an AI-based chatbot platform that is similar to ChatGPT in many ways, but with a few extra features.

Like ChatGPT, Chatsonic is an AI-based tool that can help generate content quickly and accurately.

The main difference between the two is that Chatsonic has an integration with Google Search, which allows you to create content based on updated Google search results.

This is an advance over ChatGPT, which was trained on a dataset called common crawl and so far he is not able to go beyond his area of ​​knowledge.

Additionally, Chatsonic has 16 different ways to generate custom conversations and supports a variety of file formats, such as PDF and HTML.

Chatsonic is a product of the Writesonic platform and you can access it for free but with limited functionality of up to 25 free creations per day.

3.- Jasper Chat (paid)

Jasper Chat is an Artificial Intelligence-based chatbot platform designed to help users create content. Like ChatGPT, it has the ability to create it in natural language.

One of the main differences between these two tools is that Jasper is based on up-to-date search results and is not a search assistant that generates natural language content but a content generation assistant.

With Jasper you can create various types of content such as blogs, articles, guides, videos, presentations, tutorials and much more. Content can be created in 25 different languages ​​and handled in various formats, such as HTML, PDF, and RTF.

Jasper is a paid application, but it offers a trial period of up to 5 days with which you can find out how the tool works.

4.- Perplexity (Free)

Perplexity AI is an artificial intelligence model similar to ChatGPT, but differs in that it pays more attention to fonts and has a more concise, academic tone.

It is a conversational search engine that answers questions with current information, including footnotes with links to data sources.

It has a clean and minimalist interface and is positioned as an engine for precise answers to complex questions, while ChatGPT does not have the same level of detail in its answers.

You can use this AI tool for free and it is in English, but it uses the Google translator automatically, which makes it easier to understand the content it offers in response to user questions.

5.- Playground GPT-3 (Free)

Playground is an OpenAI tool that is based on the same GPT-3.0 model that powers ChatGPT. Playground and ChatGPT are similar in that they both allow users to generate content based on natural language.

Playground AI has been considered as the big brother of ChatGPT because it is built on the same GPT-3.0 engine. However, Playground AI has been overlooked by many users because it does not offer the same ease of use as ChatGPT.

Playground AI needs a fairly advanced technical environment to be able to use it optimally, which means that many users are unable to realize its full potential. Also, Playground AI is free, but requires an OpenAI account to use it, which has limited its use.

A differentiating point is that Playground will not refuse to answer questions on sensitive topics, while ChatGPT will.


Artificial intelligence can help writers save time and become more efficient when delivering data-driven content. It will also be of great support to generate original content or optimize the one already created, by detecting errors and suggesting improvements.

ChatGPT has been quite an advertising phenomenon, but there are other alternatives that you can use for free or paid and that can help your creative process. These are:

  1. YouChat
  2. chatsonic
  3. Jasper Chat
  4. Perplexity
  5. Playground GPT-3

It is important to clarify that they are not the only ones, the truth is that there are more and more options with multiple services. In this regard, companies like Google and Microsoft are also working hard to position their alternatives.

Such is the case of bard from google, presented by the company on February 6.

This platform, based on a language model called LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications), is an advanced form of natural language processing.

While Microsoft Bing Chat GPT is a function of the Bing search engine, which allows the user to consult information from the Internet using a chatbot.

Bing Chat GPT has presented a higher volume of downloads than the popular ChatGPT and Google's own Bard, reaching 100 million just two months after its launch.

So far this search engine is only available to a small group of users, but you can explore it through this link.

Thanks for your time ;-)
