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 All about Google Bard – Google's Proposal against ChatGPT

All about Google Bard – Google's Proposal against ChatGPT

It's called Google Bard and it generates a lot of expectation all over the world.

Google has been at the forefront of innovation when it comes to search technology and AI. And with the rise of chatbots and virtual assistants, Google has once again taken a step forward with its latest project: Google Bard.

Google Bard is an AI chatbot built to engage in natural language conversations with users.In essence, Bard is Google's approach to ChatGPT, which is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI.

With Bard, Google aims to revolutionize the way we interact with search engines and help us find the information we need more efficiently.

Whether you're looking for a restaurant recommendation or need help with a complex problem, Bard is here to help.

In this article, you'll find out what Google Bard is, how it works, and why it's such an exciting development in the world of search technology. Dive in and discover the magic of Google Bard.

What is Google Bard?

Bard is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by Google. It is a conversational system that uses deep learning algorithms to provide accurate and useful answers to user questions.

Bard is able to take information from the Internet to provide current and high-quality answers.It is currently in the experimental phase and is available in some countries and territories.

It is based on LaMDA, an abbreviation of «Language Model for Dialogue Applications», which is a linguistic model developed by Google in which it had been working for two years to process and understand natural language in dialogue applications.

LaMDA is based on a neural network architecture and deep learning, enabling the machine to intelligently understand and respond to conversational interactions across a broader range of topics and contexts.

Thus, LaMDA can be said to be the underlying technology that enables Google Bard to perform more complex conversations and improve natural language understanding.

Google defines Bard as a "Creative Contributor" as they are intended to fuel your imagination, increase your productivity, and help bring your ideas to life.

Google Bard Features

Among the most outstanding features are:

1.- Ability to generate creative content

One of the coolest things about Google Bard is its ability to write original and creative content such as poems, song lyrics, stories, and even jokes.

This AI-based linguistic model can generate compelling, human-like text, making it difficult to differentiate between human-written content and Google Bard-generated content.

2.- Ability to create conversational flow

Another feature that makes Google Bard stand out is its ability to create a conversational flow. You can understand the context and respond to queries in a more natural way, making the conversation more like real human interaction.

This feature will revolutionize the way we interact with chatbots, making them more effective in helping us with our daily tasks.

3.- Memory capacity

Google Bard also has an impressive memory capacity, which makes it capable of remembering previous conversations and using that information to offer personalized responses.

This means that as the user interacts with Google Bard, it understands their preferences better, which makes the interaction more pleasant.

Why ChatGPT is considered a threat to the Google search engine

Since its launch, ChatGPT has caught the attention of the public and managed to become a real "boom" in the industry. This is due to its ability to process and understand natural language, which lowers the barrier between humans and machines in terms of communication.

The launch of ChatGPT caught many companies off guardwho had been developing artificial intelligence for some time.

And, in the very special case of traditional search engines, they face stronger competition in their ability to answer questions, as well as provide accurate and useful information.

So, realizing the great acceptance that ChatGPT achieved, both Google and Microsoft were forced to accelerate the launch of their proposals, since the presence of ChatGPT could affect their leading position in the market.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Google Bard

Google Bard is a proposal that, despite its very recent launch, has important advantages and disadvantages that you should consider when using it.


Among the advantages of Google Bard are:

  1. Update:The data on which ChatGPT works comes from specific sources that include information up to the year 2021. While Google Bard links to search results, so it can offer much more recent information.
  2. Number of responses:Bard generates 3 responses to fulfill your request, but will display the one it deems most relevant. However, at any time you can see the other alternatives in draft format in «See other drafts».
  3. Audio input:Unlike ChatGPT, Google's proposal allows you to provide the prompt or instruction by voice.
  4. Prompt edition:If the result has not been satisfactory, but you want to modify only a small part of the prompt, Google Bard allows you to edit it.
  5. Generation of documents in various formats:You can ask Google Bard to generate your response document in Word, PDF or HTML format.
  6. Code explanation:If you have asked Bard to generate a code proposal, then you will be able to get the code explanation so that you fully understand each of the instructions.


Regarding the disadvantages, it is possible to highlight:

  1. Languages:Google Bard is currently only available in US English, Japanese, and Korean; while ChatGPT can be used in Spanish and 50 other languages.
  2. Age:Google included age restrictions to access Bard, while ChatGPT can be used freely in those countries where the service is available.

It's important to note that Bard is still experimental and answers may still be imprecise.

How to use Google Bard

The first thing you need is enter the website. Then click on the "Try Bard" button.

Next, it will show you the “Terms and Privacy”. You must download the browser until the "I agree" option is activated to continue.

Bard will now show you a series of caveats for you to consider, such as the fact that he is still an experiment and therefore doesn't always hit the mark.

And, also, that you can improve its performance through the comments you make. Click on “Continue”.

Now, you will only have to include the prompt or the instruction, providing as much data as possible so that the response is as adjusted to your requirement.


Google Bard is an exciting breakthrough in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Its ability to generate original and creative content, create a conversational flow and remember previous interactions can revolutionize the way we interact with chatbots.

You don't have to be an expert to use it.. All you have to do is enter a few keywords or phrases related to your topic and let the AI ​​do the rest. It's like having a personal ghostwriter at your fingertips.

It has significant advantages over ChatGPT, but it is not yet available in all languages ​​and ages.
