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Add Adsense Advertising to Your Wordpress Site

If you have a site created through Wordpress and want to incorporate a way of financing through advertising, Adsense is an excellent option. This Google program that works for both the web and YouTube is the most popular of all due to its ease of access.

According to Google sources, at least 2 million people have chosen this program to make their content profitable. But, not all types are approved and there are a number of strategic and technical aspects that you must consider to increase your profits.

Let's see what this is about.


What is Google Adsense?



It is an advertising program that you can access for free, with which you will obtain income thanks to your publications or services provided. The types of websites most benefited by these programs are blogs, forums and those with free tools.

Observe how this page that is responsible for compressing images for free online incorporates advertising. Every time a person enters to carry out this activity, and views or clicks on the ad, Adsense pays your site.



In any case, the idea is to generate a good amount of traffic to start earning money quickly. Therefore, if one of the keys is traffic, you will be able to observe the importance of organic search engine positioning.


How Does Google Adsense Work?

Google Adsense works as an intermediary that gets people willing to advertise their goods and services around the world, as well as website owners willing to show these ads to their target audience.

It has developed a good number of ad types that you can choose from depending on the structure of your site. However, the tool automatically selects the advertiser that is most in line with the type of content on your website.

Adsense will pay you for both clicks (CPC) and views (CPM), depending on the type of ad. And, the best thing is that thanks to the fact that it has a significant number of advertisers, there will always be advertising to show.

But, not all kinds of content can be monetized through Google Adsense. If you have sexual or disgusting content on your website that includes blood, excrement and wounds, as well as explosives, weapons, tobacco, drugs, alcohol, gambling, unapproved medications or applications excluded from the Google Store, your site will not be approved by this program.

However, there are alternatives to Adsense on the market that support part or all of this type of content.

On the other hand, if you live in some of the countries that have been sanctioned by the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), such as Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria, your site will also not be supported.

Additionally, you must be over 18 years old and have a website with your own domain or YouTube channel that shows original content.


How Does Google Adsense Pay?

To have access to the Google Adsense program it is necessary to have a Google account, as well as a telephone number and a zip code associated with your bank account so that you can receive payments.

You will receive these payments through bank transfers, checks or with a Fast Online account in Russia. In any case, when it is up to you to configure Adsense, it will inform you of the method available for your country.

Adsense pays between the 21st and 26th of each month and transfer payments can take up to 15 days to become effective. For a payment to be activated, it is necessary to have received at least 10 dollars if you work with this currency, as others have their own thresholds.


Advantages of Google Adsense

With Adsense there are important advantages to consider:

  • The ads that generate the most money are published.
  • You can mix with other online advertising companies, as long as you don't violate their policies.
  • It does not require a minimum number of visits to your website to approve your account. In the case of YouTube, more than 4,000 hours of playback are required in 12 months, as well as a thousand subscribers.
  • You have the freedom to decide where to place ads and the type, according to your tastes or interests.
  • It always has advertisers.
  • It has an important variety of advertisements, which will be adapted to the structure of your site.
  • Works on mobile devices.


How to Sign up for Google Adsense?

The truth is that as with all its products, if you already have a Google account, it is only necessary login to adsense and click on the Start button. Then it will show you a screen in which it is necessary to confirm the account with which you will log in and then it will allow you to enter its main panel.

Then, it will ask you to indicate the country, accept the terms and conditions and click on the Start using Adsense button. Next, it will ask you to include some billing information and once entered, it is necessary to link your Adsense account with your website.


How to Link Google Adsense with My Website in Wordpress?

Adsense will give you an HTML code that you need to include in the header of your website (). In this case, the recommendation is that you use the Adsense add-on or plugin, since if you insert it through the theme editor, this connection will be lost when you make an update.

Install and activate the plugin. Then select the Advanced Ads -> Settings option, click on Adsense and then click Connect to Adsense account. The plugin will ask you to sign in with the same Google email that you created your Adsense account with and then confirm that you approve the plugin's connection to the account.

Next, a popup will appear with a code, copy it, close the window and paste the code on the plugin screen. Then your Adsense account data will appear in the plugin, which will verify that the site is linked.

Another plugin you can use to make this connection is Head, Footer and Post Injections. Once the plugin is installed go to Settings > Header & Footer.

Go to the Adsense account and copy the code that it provides you for the connection, and then go back to the plugin and paste it in thePAGE SECTION INJECTION field.

Later, in any of the selected methods to add the code, it is necessary to go to your Adsense account and check the box that indicates I have pasted the code on my site.

After this, wait for the approval. If they deny it, you should not despair, as it is the most common. Check the recommendations, make the corrections and request the review again in the panel of your Google Adsense account.



Adsense is a Google program aimed at finding people who own websites and who want to display third-party advertisements. For this concept, the site owner is paid for both clicks and impressions.

Payment is made via bank transfer, check or a Fast Online account in Russia. Adsense offers the possibility for you to select where you want the ads to appear and to block certain types of content.

It has a significant number of advertisers, does not require a minimum number of visits to be approved and can be used with other programs, as long as they do not violate their policies.

To be approved you must be over 18 years old, have a website with your own domain, accept the terms, live in a country that is not sanctioned and comply with company policies.

The connection with Wordpress can be done through the Adsense plugin as well as through the Head, Footer and Post Injections.

Thanks for your time ;-)
