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9 Ways to Make Money with a Blog

The Blog It is one of the oldest ways to earn income through the Internet. However, to this day, its effectiveness remains in force because it is a useful medium for information.

Maintaining a blog requires a lot of effort and dedication to create attractive content oriented to your target audience. However, there are efficient options that make this activity profitable and allow a very good income to be obtained.

Here are 9 effective ways to help you learn how to monetize a blog.


1.- Digital Products

E-commerce has accelerated its growth in recent years. Digital products have the advantage that their distribution is immediate and is usually cheaper than for physical ones.

Encapsulating knowledge areas in an online course and then marketing it to your community can be one of the most profitable ways to monetize your blog. In fact, online education is one of the most fruitful business areas today.

Do a small study on the most popular topics today and create your proposal, no matter how much competition there is.

Haven't you heard many people say I LOVE YOU? But, it will never sound the same as when it comes from the one you connect with. This is the case in this case, if you already have a frequent audience, you will sell for your style of communication and content.

Another way of monetization is through digital books, this is one of the proposals that is also easy to publish and distribute. However, as with courses, your previous work is often demanding.

Some other digital products that sell very well online are photographs, texts, music, designs of all kinds and software, among others.


2.- Exclusive Content

Subscription models have been one of the most widely used since the world wide web was created.

So you can use this strategy to earn income on your blog. You just have to create free content that attracts many people to your website and select a more exclusive one for those who are willing to pay for it.

Some blog owners rely on the CMS platforms themselves to manage the payment. But, others link their content with systems such as Patreon that allows them to capture additional income.


3.- Services

Perhaps this is the fastest way to earn income on the entire web. If you've built authority on a particular topic, you may be able to market your own services amid the content you post.

Advice or consultations of all kinds are viable, whether you dedicate yourself to financial, health, beauty, fashion, computer, electronic, political or any other areas.

As you can see there are no limits, you just have to structure your offer and market.


4.- Physical Products

A blog is the perfect complement to an online store. It will help you not only to describe the potential of the products that are sold through it, but also to get positions in the contested world of search engine SERPs.

The sale of physical products is usually more complex in terms of logistics. However, today there are countless stores with various business models that are a success thanks to high-demand products.

You might start a blog with parenting tips and end up selling baby items. It is only required that you observe the sector in which you operate and that you study the products with the highest demand, to start your own store.


5.- Virtual Events

This is a branch in which it is possible to obtain a very good income and that requires little time to do so. Unless you already have enough authority to draw a minimal audience, you can team up with highly experienced speakers to get more benefits.

Create seminars or conferences where part of the content is free and some is paid. You can also make the event free and sell digital products or services around it.


6.- Direct Advertising

For any business, advertising is a very relevant factor that makes it easier for you to sell. When you already have a significant level of traffic, you can ensure income with the direct sale of spaces on your blog.

You should only investigate those companies or brands that are not your competition, that is, that belong rather to complementary sectors with which you can negotiate these spaces.

There are some online programs like Google Adsense that allow you to automate these spaces. The truth is that it does not take that much to get approved for monetization of your site.

The problem is that to earn an average of $ 200 you must have at least 500 thousand visits. That is, your traffic levels have to be very important to earn enough.

Of course, everything will depend on the niche in which you operate.

But, Adsense can help you in the beginning to determine how much they pay you for each ad so that later in a free exercise you multiply that amount by 5 or 10 and directly negotiate with companies those spaces.


7.- Sponsored Articles

They are texts in which you offer an opinion about a brand, product or service. It is an indirect promotion that seeks to increase the sales or traffic of the person who has made the purchase.

The rates for your items are set by you. In the network there are all kinds of prices for this type of services and in your case it will depend on your operating costs, profit percentage and level of traffic that you have.

In general, the prices range between US $ 30 and US $ 300, but it does not have to be your case. It will depend on the chosen niche to determine how much your client is willing to pay in such a case.


8.- Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest ways to monetize since it only requires you to register on a platform and start marketing third-party products and services.

You do not need to create products, because they are already made and many platforms pay you commission not only for sales, but even because they add the product to a shopping cart.

In the market there are a good number of companies with which you can do affiliate marketing such as Amazon, Ebay, Aliexpress, Hotmart, Digistore24, JVZoo and more.

Here you can find sales commissions that even go up to 90% and that can be charged through payment gateways such as Paypal, Payoneer, Giftcard cards or even through bank transfers.


9.- Donations

Although they are not a means that allows you to make large profits on a regular basis, the truth is that there is a viable way to earn income online.

It is possible that at the beginning you do not have a level of traffic that allows you to access a sufficient sustenance for you. But, donating is a way for early adopters of your brand to start collaborating on your content.

Some platforms, such as Paypal, have special buttons that will help you automate the receipt of these funds so that you get the boost you expect. Or you can use the bank transfer mechanism if you feel comfortable with it.



There are multiple ways that exist to make an online blog profitable. It's just up to you to analyze what resonates with you the most and start creating your own strategies.

As you can see, there are options that require the elaboration of a product to sell it in a scalable way later, like some digital products.

Some others allow you to get started immediately, such as services, affiliate marketing, and donations.
