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7 Strategies to Capture Traffic Without Doing SEO

Discover 7 ways to attract traffic to your website as a means to diversify your sources and not be affected by changes in search engines.

If you want your site to appear in search engines and attract good traffic through it, it is necessary to perform SEO even local. That is not the discussion.

However, according to experts, for a strategy of this style to begin to give results you must wait a minimum of 6 months. In addition, search algorithms frequently change and it is necessary to make adjustments until the traffic stabilizes.

So, in this sense, it is necessary to avoid having all the eggs in the same basket because you will not know where the fox is lurking from. The best way, as well as with income, is to diversify the sources of traffic so that the growth of your website does not stop.

Learn about the following 7 strategies to attract traffic without doing SEO.


1.- Create Content

This article is part of a sample strategy for engaging potential prospects with helpful information. There are many ways and formats to publish content such as blogs, videos, podcasts, infographics, among others.

For this, it is necessary that you make periodic publications that follow certain objectives and that address problems that your prospect has today. In this way, in the middle of the content you can promote all kinds of services and products that you offer.

This way you will reduce the purchase resistance and the user will feel closer to your brand.


2.- Advertise

Content is a great strategy that you should never stop evaluating, but it also takes some time for people to start taking an interest in your site. So if you want to reach your customer faster, without a doubt, the next action is to pay for ads.

With digital advertising you can directly reach your target customer, through a fully controlled budget. Think of Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Youtube Ads, Influencer Marketing, among others.

The great thing about advertising tools today is their ability to segment your audience, which will undoubtedly earn you hundreds and thousands of qualified clicks in no time. According to data provided by Google If you invest the equivalent of US $ 1 in this medium, you will get double the profit.

The best thing is that you don't have to have big budgets for this, just try to test with an equivalent budget of 2U $ S to 5U $ S per day and see the performance.


3.- Get involved in Social Networks

TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, Twitter. Do you know where your ideal client is making conversations or distracting themselves?

Social networks are the most used medium today by users in the world, so you must enter the conversation that your target audience has to make yourself noticed and make them feel that they can trust you.

Direct selling is not well seen in these media. That is, people want to find out about all the possibilities, but what they most want is to relate and that activity should be exploited by your brand to the fullest.

So go in and talk, because nobody buys from a stranger. Unless you're a very well established big brand and yet today it's very easy to get fun conversations on social media with world-renowned companies.


4.- Participate in other Blogs

Some blog owners allow you to create good articles for them in exchange for including links to your website. If these blogs concentrate a large number of users on a daily basis, it can be a great alternative that allows you to make yourself known and gain followers.

Of course, for this you have to show off with the content. Your audience needs to know that they will get information, products or services that are very useful to reduce the feeling of risk that they click and move now to the world of your brand.

You only need to research Blogs that are dedicated to carrying out this type of strategy and contact them to propose an agreement of this type.


5.- Leave Comments on Other Blogs

This is another effective way to capture traffic. It is not about spamming but about demonstrating your experience in the niche in which you operate or participating by asking questions that allow the blog owner to develop new content.

Asking great questions will make you stand out as at least a specialist user and grab the attention of other readers.

Don't include links to your business in comments, and don't use your business profile. Participate with your first and last name and that people reach your site through your personal social media profiles.

This is an indirect way of promoting that makes your level of expertise very clear, but will not be intrusive to your audience.


6.- Participate in Discussion Forums

Forums are another great way to drive traffic. That is why, it is necessary to know precisely the places of this style in which interesting conversations are created that can help you attract good traffic to your website.

The best known in this style are undoubtedly Quora and Reddit, however, if you search carefully you can find many more about your sector. Social media groups such as WhatsApp and Facebook, as well as Telegram channels can help you in this task.

In these cases you need to invest time in creating in-depth content that captures the attention of your audience. This will help you position yourself as a benchmark in the sector in these spaces.

Once you do, you will get very good levels of traffic. So much so that you may be surprised at how effective it can be.


7.- Practice Email Marketing

Your website must include a good lead magnet that makes it easier for you to capture as many emails as possible among users.

The lead magnet is a good means of exchange that will allow you to recognize who is interested in that topic, and then make small additional efforts that end in conversions.

Email continues to be one of the most effective ways to get people to return to your website.. It is a direct and effective way of communication in which you can share stories, send offers, create fun connections to improve the relationship with prospects.



SEO is a great way to direct traffic to your website, but it should not be the only one, because with any change in the search engine it is possible that your website is harmed.

The idea is that you have alternative methods that allow you to get prospects on a recurring basis, despite what may happen to the great search engines of the digital world.

So these are 7 ways to get online traffic without doing SEO:

  1. Create content through blogs, videos, infographics, podcasts, or any other useful format.
  2. Advertise through digital media and with a controlled budget.
  3. That the brand is related on social networks to gain the trust of the prospects who are there.
  4. Participate as a guest in other blogs in the sector.
  5. Leave comments on other blogs as an individual user.
  6. Participate in discussion forums to position yourself as a benchmark in the sector.
  7. Practice email marketing to bring users back to your website.

If you want, tell us which of these you have practiced on your website and which you would like to try. Thanks for your time ;)
