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7 Free Applications to Create Online Surveys

7 Free Applications to Create Online Surveys

Would you like to know what your customers or visitors think about your website or online store and for free?

Online surveys are great tools to understand the point of view of visitors about your online store or website quickly and easily.

It is an effective strategy that gives you the opportunity to ask your website visitors important questions, with the aim of making adjustments that improve their experience and increase the number of conversions.

It is possible to apply them in various ways and even customize them based on the needs of your business.

In the network there are multiple platforms with which you can build these data collection instruments totally free and with a good number of active functionalities. In this article you will learn about the 7 best free applications to create online surveys.

1.- SurveyPlanet

If you are looking for the best free online survey tools, SurveyPlanet it is a wonderful alternative. It is an easy-to-use platform with many features that will help you collect valuable feedback from your audience.

SurveyPlanet offers a wide variety of pre-built themes, as well as a tool for creating your own themes according to your needs. It makes it easy to upload images and insert opening and closing messages for better communication with the audience.

It has a very intuitive work environment and also allows you to create surveys under a bifurcation system, although this last feature is in its payment plan.

The free plan will allow you to create unlimited surveys, with infinite questions and answers that you can include on your social networks or embed on your website. In addition, you will get basic reports to know the behavior of the audience.

2.- Crowd Signal

Crowd Signal It's a great tool for conducting research and gathering feedback. It is easy to use and has a variety of functions that make it versatile.

One of the best features of Crowd Signal is that you can create an account for free. This means that you can easily start collecting feedback from your users without spending a penny.

With this plan you can embed your surveys on the website and create as many surveys and questions as you want, but you can only receive up to 2,500 responses or signals.

However, it is a great alternative if you want to collect information and your range of visits is still not very wide or you want to work based on a significant sample.


In You will have templates based on certain themes that will make your work much easier.

From satisfaction surveys, through market studies and evaluation of the work environment, among others; You will be able to save time and effort in the creation of these tools through these predefined models.

You can also create your own templates to further adjust the instruments to the particular needs of your business or website. However, to access customization you will have to opt for a payment plan.

But, the free plan allows you to take unlimited surveys with unlimited questions and receive up to a maximum of 100 responses, based on the predefined templates.

In addition, it is possible to embed your surveys on the web and receive activity reports in real time.

4.- Evalandgo

Evalandgo It is one of the most popular options that will help you improve your products or services or simply get to know your customers better. It has a wide variety of free tools for conducting online surveys.

This option is paid, although it has a somewhat restricted free plan since, although it admits unlimited surveys, these may be up to 10 questions each with a maximum of 50 responses per month.

You can integrate the survey to your website and you will receive reports with its automatic report. It will be very easy for you to create surveys with basic questions, using its templates and accessing its library of designs.

5.- Questionpro

With questionpro, it is possible to quickly and easily conduct surveys on a wide variety of topics. With its free plan you will be able to create these instruments in an unlimited way with up to 100 questions per survey and 300 answers in each of them.

You will be able to customize the survey in terms of colors and add your logo, as well as the jumping logic, that is, you will be able to create branching paths so that each user receives relevant questions based on other responses.

You will also be able to export the data, as well as integrate your account with Google Sheets and create a fully personalized thank you page.

An interesting aspect is that you can even receive support by email or chat, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. So you can get the most out of this tool without spending a penny.

6.- Responster

Responster is a reliable online option with which it is possible to create surveys in minutes. In its free plan, it allows you to create all the questionnaires you want, with the number of questions you want and up to 1000 answers.

You will be able to use colors of your choice, a personalized background image and even change the font and its tones. It allows the embedding of the survey on the web page and will offer you a summary report, as well as the details of each response.

You can choose between a maximum of 14 types of questions, change the language of the survey and share it on your social networks or even manage it through your mobile device.

7.- Online Survey

Online survey is a very functional tool that will allow you to collect the opinion of your website visitors for free with unlimited questions, but with a maximum of 250 answers.

These surveys can have various types of questions following logical sequences adjusted to the responses of your audience. One interesting aspect is that the survey you create can be password protected, in case you want only the right person to access it.

You will be able to publish the results of the surveys under a link that everyone will be able to access. In addition to segmenting the participants by groups, filtering results by dates and by content, as well as exporting the results in various formats.


Online surveys are a great way to get feedback from your customers or visitors about your store or website. They can help you improve your products or services or simply get to know your customers better.

There is a wide variety of free tools on the net to carry out online surveys, you just need to find the one that best suits your needs. Some of the most popular are:

●       SurveyPlanet

●       Crowd Signal


●       Evalandgo

●       questionpro

●       reply

●       online survey

Although Google Form has not been listed in this article, it is also one of the most prominent and free options you can get online for taking surveys.

With it you will be able to collect the opinions of an unlimited number of respondents, monitoring the results and without restrictions, more than those imposed by the storage capacity of the account.

So whether you're looking for a simple way to gather feedback or more advanced features that help you better understand your customers, choose any of these options based on your particular requirements.

Thanks for your time ;-)
