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4 Ways to Create a Web Page

4 Ways to Create a Web Page

Learn about the 4 ways to create a web page so that you can choose the one that best suits your need and capacity, both technical and economic.

Your website is the key that allows potential customers to find you, connect directly with you and learn about your products and services.

An attractive website is an extension of your brand's visual identity. It should be well organized, easy to navigate, and present a clear call to action. And most importantly, it must offer visitors the information they are looking for with a single click.

However, you may believe that creating a web page is something very complicated and the truth is that it is not always like that. There are multiple ways, that adjust to your need and both technical and economic capacity, with which you can start up your website.

Basic Principle

It is necessary to clarify that in order to create any type of web page it is necessary to have two basic services,

1.Web Hosting (a space on a web server connected to the Internet 24/7) and

two. Domain Name (it is the unique and unrepeatable name that the website will have throughout the Internet, example:

These are some of the ways to create a web page. Let's see them one by one:

1. Website Builder (Sitebuilder)

This option is ideal for beginners, with no prior knowledge, or for expert web designers who want to pass control of the website to their clients.

If you want to get a website up and running quickly, a website builder is the way to go.. You don't need programming knowledge to create an attractive and functional website with these tools.

They are primarily designed to help small businesses or entrepreneurs create a professional online presence in no time. You can use a pre-built website or choose to build your own website from scratch using templates.

For this case, the following service is highly recommended:

Create Your Website™

Create your website is an alternative to that allows you to create a website in 4 easy steps. You will only have to choose a template, add the content, activate the SEO and publish your site.

You can create anything from regular sites to online stores or blogs, for as little as $3.95 per month. Includes free .COM domain and SSL for greater security, as well as unlimited email accounts.

It integrates with platforms such as Google Maps, RSS, Image Banks and live chats, among others. You will also get all the help you need and specialized support 365 days a year.

2. Standardized CMS (Example WordPress)

A content management system (CMS) is a platform that allows you to create web pages and publish content online. They differ from website builders because they are more robust and customizable.

The main difference with a Website Builder is that they are a little more robust and customizable, although it requires a little more technical knowledge, it can be used by beginners who want to learn something new.

There are many CMS options available in the market.. Some are free and others are paid. The most popular options are:


It isthe most used CMS in the world, due to the enormous number of alternatives and functionalities that it offers. In addition, it is free and many of its tools are also free.

It comes included in the hosting service with cPanel and you don't need too much technical knowledge to use it. It has an important community and has more than 40 thousand free plugins.


Drupal It has the advantage of having support to manage a larger amount of data than Wordpress. It is even more flexible and customizable, but it is not as friendly and requires more technical knowledge.

Like Wordpress, Drupal is free and can work very well for larger sites with a good amount of data and less hacked.


Of Joomla it can be said that it has the best of both worlds. It's as easy to use and install as Wordpress, as well as customizable and data-intensive as Drupal.

Joomla is also freeHowever, its learning curve is higher than that of Wordpress and you will have to look for the templates outside its platform, because it does not have its own directory for these.

3. HTML templates

Some entrepreneurs want to save the cost of creating their own website. They opt for HTML templates that mimic the look of a website but do not require extensive programming knowledge.

You can use HTML templates to create a website with an easy to understand structure. Most of them are mobile responsive and fully responsive.

Although these templates are cost-effective and easy to use, keep in mind that they will have some required programming functionality.. You won't be able to customize these templates with your brand image and logo unless you know some HTML and CSS.

Some of the sites where you can find HTML templates are:


ThemeForest It offers editable and paid HTML templates for any type of business you require. These templates will save you time and have an attractive visual design.

However, it is necessary to take into account that not all templates include photographs and this can completely change the design. It also does not include any kind of support or help.


TemplateMonster offers more than 800 HTML templates, with technical support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It has a blog with information that solves the most frequent doubts of users.

Although it includes a good number of free templates, these are only offered for educational purposes and do not come with the important support service. The prices of paid templates are higher compared to ThemeForest or other platforms.

4. Web Programming

Programming is a great way to create sites, because it will allow you to give the functionality and the image that you want to your web page. It is ideal if you need to build a website from scratch that completely adapts to your needs.

Web programming is usually more expensive than using Builders or CMS. It also requires investing more time and the management of professionals who can help you with maintenance or updating.

For web development, it is necessary to master certain programming languages ​​such as PHP or ASP, as well as HTML, CSS, Javascript, among others.

In these cases, if you do not have programming knowledge, it is advisable to find a trusted programmer/web designer.


Having a website is important for any business and you may think that this is a difficult task to achieve.. However, this is not always the case as there are many ways to make a website attractive and professional and not all of them require technical knowledge.

You can create a traditional web page, a blog, an online store or mobile applications, with the help of multiple tools:

●       Website builders What Create your website™.

●       Standardized CMS What Wordpress, Drupal or Joomla.

●       HTML templateswhich you can find on sites like ThemeForest or TemplateMonster.

●       Web programmingwith the use of languages ​​such as PHP or ASP, as well as HTML, CSS, Javascript, among others. Or with the help of a programmer/web designer.

Whatever option you choose, can help you throughout the process. Your experts are very happy to help ;-)
