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3 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi

3 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi

Know the reasons and actions that are necessary to avoid when using public Wi-Fi networks, as well as the actions that will reduce the associated risks.

When you're away from home or the office, you may require Internet access either because your data service is down or you need higher bandwidth to perform any online activity.

Many establishments offer free Wi-Fi as a way to encourage customers to visit more often or to improve their user experience.

However, these public hotspots are not always as secure as they seem, so avoid using them whenever possible.

Hackers often take advantage of open and insecure wireless networks to carry out all kinds of actions against the security of your data, assets and even your person.

Below, you'll find reasons to avoid using public Wi-Fi networks and how to protect yourself if you're forced to use them.

3 Reasons to Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi

When you use public Wi-Fi networks, even if they seem harmless, you run significant security risks. Among the actions that can happen in them, are:

1.- Theft of Personal Data

Every time you use an unsecured network, you run the risk of your personal information being intercepted by cybercriminals. In them you can receive multiple forms of computer attacks that you will want to avoid.

Sometimes people who provide these services for free do so using outdated equipment that uses protocols that can be easily compromised by hackers.

Once they intercept the information, they will be able to read it and obtain your access data to emails, banks, applications, study platforms or any other that you have entered at that time.

It is even possible that the equipment provided for this service does not offer any type of encryption to protect your data, so anyone on the network will be able to see your traffic, including hackers.

2.- Installation of Malicious Code on Your Computers

Because this type of network has many computers and devices connected at the same time, it is possible that some of them are infected and thus transfer some type of malware to your devices.

Sometimes even these actions are not so innocent as hackers can access your devices when you connect to public Wi-Fi networks and trick you into clicking on malicious links or downloading malware.

Some of these codes are also released in order to simply monitor everything you do or study your behavior for many purposes.

3.- Physical Tracking

Other actions that these criminals can carry out, once they have compromised your mobile devices, is to physically monitor you through geolocation services, for which they will also know your location.

Although we do not want to be fatalistic, the truth is that security risks are not only digital but also reach the real world and can be a nightmare for anyone who does not know these parameters.

What Actions to Avoid When Connecting to a Public Wi-Fi Network

These are the actions to avoid when connecting to a public network:

1.- Enter your email, banking platforms and social networks

This is sensitive information that will give the attacker direct access to frequently used platforms, including those that contain your assets. You will also open the gate for them to enter your bank and make transactions in your name.

2.- Connect to a false network

Attackers can create fake Wi-Fi networks, that is, networks with names similar to the official ones but that are fully controlled by these criminals to compromise your devices, among other objectives.

Once inside your device, a hacker can steal your personal information, such as usernames and passwords, and even use it to hack into other systems.

For cybercriminals, creating fake networks that appear legitimate is a very simple activity.

These rogue access points can trick unsuspecting users into connecting and then steal their data, so it's a good idea to avoid clicking on a Wi-Fi network you don't know and trust.

3.- Being overconfident

At the time of connecting to this type of network, it is necessary to make sure that you connect to the one provided by the establishment to reduce part of the risk.

Also, do not think that having a mobile phone or a laptop makes you less predisposed, because the truth is that all equipment can be compromised.

What Actions to Take to Reduce the Risks When Connecting to the Public Wi-Fi Network

If you want to preserve the security of your information, equipment and your own, these are the actions that are recommended to be carried out:

1.- Ask yourself if it is really necessary to make this connection

Unless it's something that can't wait, it's best to postpone that transaction until you get home or to your office. These are areas controlled by you or trusted agents, making it more difficult to fall prey to an attacker.

2.- Ask yourself if you can carry out that activity with the use of your data

If you have a good data plan on your mobile or any other device that you own and that provides you with an Internet connection, don't hesitate to give it priority.

You may think that it is naturally more expensive than using a free network, but you will have to decide what is and is not a priority for you.

3.- Install a VPN on Your Computers

VPNs or Virtual Private Networks are services that allow you to surf the net anonymously, since they are in charge of encrypting all the information and associating the data with servers far away from where you are, which will divert the attention of attackers.

A good VPN service will allow you to browse privately and securely, considerably reducing the risks associated with connecting to a public Wi-Fi network. So if you are forced to use these public Wi-Fi networks, a good service of this nature will help you meet the objective with the minimum possible risk.

4.- Keep Your Equipment Software Updated

Frequent updates are an important security mechanism since they usually include code extracts that fix detected vulnerabilities. It is for this reason that, by having your equipment and applications updated, you substantially reduce security risks.


Public Wi-Fi networks are Internet connection mechanisms that it is recommended to avoid as much as possible,because in them your information can be stolen to have access to your accounts or assets, hack your equipment and even know your location.

To protect yourself, try not to enter your email accounts, social networks and banking platforms when you use them. Make sure that you connect to the official network of the establishment and do not trust yourself.

Also, try to prioritize your home or office connection or data from your mobile devices. If you have to use public Wi-Fi, install a VPN on your computer and always keep your software up to date to increase security.
