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13 Online Resources to Learn Free JavaScript Effectively and Quickly

13 Online Resources to Learn Free JavaScript Effectively and Quickly

The field of technology is increasingly in demand by companies and services of all kinds and the truth is that these are usually very well-paid jobs. Javascript is one of the most used programming languages ​​in the world, because it belongs to the common gear of web development that is complemented by HTML and CSS.

We have previously talked about Grasshopper, an interactive educational resource from Google with which you can learn the basics of Javascript.

But, below, you will find 13 online resources, most of them in Spanish, so you can learn it completely free and develop this activity for your own use, in the optimization of your website or as part of your digital services.

Let's start with the list...!!!

1.- Free Code Camp

Free Code Camp is a platform that helps to learn coding, not only in Javascript but also in HTML, CSS, JSON and Python. It has a project-based curriculum that involves the creation of small challenges to accelerate the elevation of your knowledge.

Although it is not one of the most attractive pages, the biggest advantage is the opportunity it offers its students to participate in other communities to put their knowledge into practice.

The platform is available in several languages, and has a youtube channel, also in Spanish, to make the process easier.

2.- W3School

W3School is a free platform with which it is possible to learn multiple languages, including Javascript. It includes tutorials in Spanish with examples that you can modify in real time.

It also has complete courses and the respective certification, the latter being paid. However, if you use their free explanations, it is possible to reach a good level without major complications.

3.- Education

Edutin Academy is an educational platform that offers free courses in many fields, including programming languages ​​such as JavaScript. This course is excellent for those starting from scratch, as it contains information from the very basics.

It includes the possibility of obtaining an internationally recognized certificate, but in that case, it is also paid. It includes learning of the object-oriented paradigm and asynchrony and its access is free.

4.- Udemy

Udemy is also a great platform for paid online courses. But, sometimes these companies launch free and quality educational programs that should not be missed.

So among them is included one of JavaScript which already has more than 50 thousand students. If you want certification you will have to make a payment, but if you want to learn you will get a very good base with this course.

5.- Easy code

This course of Easy Code It is made up of 34 classes with a total duration of almost 5 hours, with which you will learn from the famous "HELLO WORLD" to handling objects.

Its educational methodology is based on projects, with which it is possible to reach a higher level in a short time. This course includes the option to obtain a certificate.

6.- Coursera

With Coursera it is also possible to opt for multiple Javascript training programs. The platform includes a Specialized program: JavaScript for Beginners, another that includes HTML and CSS with Javascript for web developers and another named Programming with JavaScript offered by Meta (Facebook).

Although it is paid, you can also sign up for free and have access to the resources of these interesting educational options.

7.- Learn Javascript

In Learn Javascript its creator structures a series of free YouTube video content, with which it is possible to acquire basic knowledge, as well as the creation of APIs, AJAX and the use of React.

It is an informal course but it is still complete. The community that Jonathan Mircha has created around him is very active, so it is possible to learn even from the comments that arise from his complete and very didactic content.

8.- GitHub

If you are interested in advancing in terms of the complexity of projects and their solutions, the recommendation is that you join this type of community such as GitHub with which it is possible to access free online resources of projects that are or were in execution.

This is an option with which it is possible to access the ways of thinking of many programmers in the world and even get participation in projects that are in full development.

9.- Open Bootcamp

open-bootcamp is an interesting alternative since it not only offers the possibility of learning this powerful language, such as Javascript, but also its platform includes tutoring and job opportunities in this field.

The course includes 17 lessons with a total duration of 15 hours and 27 minutes. Open Bootcamp also has other educational programs such as ReactJS, Angular, and HTML with CSS.

10.- Myriadax

Miriadax is an educational platform that has been on the market for a few years and that began offering all its content for free, but now most of these courses are paid.

However, it still has good courses that you can access completely free and on various topics, including programming such as JavaScript.

So you can opt for a basic course such as Frontend Development with HTML, CSS, and Javascript (3rd Edition) or a more advanced one like Development of a Fullstack Project with JavaScript, both taught by the Polytechnic University of Madrid, among others.

11.- Mozilla Developer Network

Mdn is a Mozilla open source project that includes educational resources geared toward beginning developers and students. They also have their own repository that can be used and fed by more than 45 thousand people.

It includes a complete Javascript tutorial in text format, which will raise your programming level to the most advanced in this programming language.

12.- JavaScript 30

This is a different way of learning the popular programming language, because JavaScript 30 includes a very interesting challenge that allows you to build 30 things in 30 days with its tutorials.

The challenge includes everything from building a clock and video player to motion effects. All the content is in English, but it has subtitles with which you will be able to orient yourself better if you do not master the language.

13.- Walkthrough Republic

Walkthrough Republic includes tutorials in text format, which, although originally written in English, can be easily translated with the help of Google. It is a very similar format to W3SCHOOL.

It has a good amount of possible examples to modify and observe its behavior in real time. It is geared towards both beginners and more advanced developers.


Javascript is a programming language that is highly demanded today and that has clear uses in web development. There are many online platforms with which it is possible to learn it and for free such as:

  1. Free Code Camp
  2. W3School
  3. Edutin
  4. udemy
  5. easy code
  6. coursera
  7. learn javascript
  8. GitHub
  9. open-bootcamp
  10. Miriadax
  11. Mozilla Developer Network
  12. JavaScript 30
  13. Walkthrough Republic

Most of these platforms are in Spanish and it is possible to get, in this variety, content for both beginners and the most advanced.

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