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12 Archetypes to Define Your Brand Personality

People when they relate to each other, do not fit emotionally with everyone. We create bonds with those we feel affinity in multiple respects, while we tend to reject ties with others.

The same thing happens to brands in their interaction with people. Depending on the way they communicate with prospects and clients, they are able to attract or generate rejection in a certain audience.

The archetypes were created by Carl Jung and in them certain traits are configured that characterize a person or, as in this case, a brand. Jung believed that the collective unconscious attended to inherited potentials that are manifested in interaction with others.

Hence the importance of these archetypes in brands. The product or service that you want to market will determine the target audience and to establish better links, it is necessary to understand what characteristics your ideal customer serves best.

Here are 12 brand archetypes to better conceptualize and move forward with a clear marketing strategy.

It is important to clarify that a brand will have a main archetype, but it may have one or two complementary ones. It is not necessary to meet all the characteristics of any of these archetypes to say that it is part of your personality.


1.- The Innocent

They are optimistic brands, because their great motto is that everything will work out. It reflects purity, simplicity and transparency in everything it does, in addition to feeling great satisfaction for the duty accomplished.

It is usually present in children's brands, NGOs, some religions, personal care products and nature. Their colors are often pastels and their products do not undergo great changes over time.

On the contrary, they try to stay very traditional. Some of the most recognized brands in this area are Coca Cola, Disney, Dove and McDonalds.


2.- The Wise

Its ideal is to provide all kinds of knowledge. That is why it is always aware of the news that the market offers, as well as discoveries to communicate to its public.

Some communication media, universities or educational entities, as well as bookstores, research centers or museums tend to be in this archetype. They use neutral colors, gray, blue or white.

Some brands that are associated with this archetype are Google, Harvard University, and the BBC.


3.- The Hero

He is brave, he who is not afraid of challenges, who commits himself to what he does, works very hard to achieve it and protects the most underprivileged. Associated with this are sports brands, vehicles, health, security forces as well as philanthropic organizations and some politicians.

They use strong colors that evoke power and energy. His messages are very inspiring for the rest and they are associated with mountains, arid terrain, obstacles or difficulties that are always overcome by their effort.

Some of the well-known brands that are located in this line are Nike, Duracell, Toyota and Red Cross.


4.- The Outlaw

He shows an irreverent personality, out of the ordinary, he is the rebel who does not need to fit in with social norms. It is challenging and is always looking to generate disruptive or innovative changes.

They support values ​​that are not usually in accordance with the frameworks of a traditional society. Technology companies, social organizations, music groups, youth clothing brands, accessories, among others, are associated with this.

They use dark, high-contrast images and some others with strong colors. Some brands that are associated with this archetype are Harley Davidson, Kiss and Marilin Manson.


5.- The Explorer

He hates routines, takes risks and loves to enjoy new routes. He values ​​freedom, he is independent and he loves adventures that allow him to challenge himself to know a little more about himself.

Some travel agencies, content creators, vehicles, restaurants and fashion companies belong to this archetype. Some of the best known brands are NASA, National Geographics, and Land Rovers.


6.- The Magician

It is perfect to generate illusion, renewal, it has the idea that dreams come true and you have to achieve them. There is always an aura of mystery in him, he almost always has answers for everything and can describe what the future will be like.

Some brands that are associated with this archetype have to do with spiritual trends, astrologers, makeup, personal care and coaches, as well as all kinds of guides, people or companies that enjoy transforming and that surround them with a certain halo of mystery.

It doesn't stick to specific colors. The companies that fall into this archetype are Mary Kay, Ax, and Red Bull.


7.- Ordinary Person

They adapt to social norms and values, enjoy routines and it is not their need to excel in anything. It acts on the basis of practicality, it is genuine, healthy and has a lot of common sense.

The way these brands communicate is very normal and they use social networks a lot because they need to make themselves feel close to or part of the same community, as well as to gain the trust of the client.

Brands included in this archetype are IKEA, Budwiser, and Netflix.


8.- The Lover

Its intention is to evoke pleasure and generate an air of exclusivity in the user. Associated with this are cosmetic, fashion, enjoyment and recreation companies, vehicle brands, jewelry, ice cream, restaurants, among others.

They can use cursive or handwritten fonts, light colors or suggestive reds, and they go out of their way to serve the customer. Brands like Dior, Chanel and Tiffany are part of this archetype.


9.- The Jester

It focuses on fun, humor, and joy. He hates being bored, so he will seek to have a subject to laugh or play with, a different vision, a creative and original way of expressing a message.

They are out of the ordinary and their messages tend to remain etched in the minds of their consumers for a long time. They use bright colors with blues, reds, yellows, and oranges.

Brands like Fanta, Pepsi, Oreo and Doritos belong to this archetype.


10.- The Caregiver

They express a lot of affective content and within their values ​​are sacrifice, compassion and dedication. Professions such as doctors, nurses, and teachers, as well as insurance, food, security and drug companies are associated with this archetype.

Its objective is for people to feel safe and it usually communicates by evoking memories, family moments or tranquility. They use very soft colors in their communication resources.

Volvo, Pampers, Johnson & Johnson and Nestle are some of the well-known brands that use this archetype.


11.- The Creator

Creativity is its most outstanding feature. He has a different way of thinking, which is why this archetype groups together all kinds of artists or creatives, writers, filmmakers and publicists.

It is not about being completely innovative, but about creating based on the inspiration of ideas already present in other areas. Lego is a faithful demonstration of this type of archetype.


12.- The Ruler

He is a leader with a lot of persuasive power. They are in control, they greatly enjoy order, power, quality and glamor, as well as the circumstances most feared by them are those in which chaos reigns.

Government organizations and banking institutions are part of this archetype. His products tend to have high prices and are owned by brands such as Rolex and Mercedes Benz.



Carl Jung is the creator of these archetypes and there are a total of 12:

●       The innocent
●       The wise.
●       The hero.
●       The outlaw.
●       The Explorer.
●       The magician.
●       The ordinary person.
●       The lover.
●       The jester.
●       The caretaker.
●       The governor.

The archetypes respond to a series of traits that must be exploited by brands to capture the attention of their customers and establish a unique level of connection that significantly improves their sales.

Thanks for your time ;)
