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10 Things You Should Do After Installing WordPress

10 Things You Should Do After Installing WordPress

You've installed WordPress and are tempted to immediately continue with the theme and plugins to finish the job. However, if you do it this way, you would leave behind a series of details that affect the general content of the website as well as SEO.

Would you like to know which ones are they?

Below you will find the 10 things you should do after installing WordPress, so that you have a professional and optimized website.


1.- Modify or Delete the Slogan or Motto

WordPress defaults to a tagline with the text "Just another WordPress site". In addition to the fact that the phrase does not offer value to your user, it also does not differentiate you from the competition and, what is worse, it may appear in search results.

Hence, it is best to change it or eliminate it. To achieve this, go to the configuration of the WordPress administration panel and choose the General option, locate the Tagline or Slogan field and enter a new text that suits your brand image or simply leave it blank.


2.- Change Time Zone, Date and Time

The time zone specified on the platform directly affects the time of publication of the content. Therefore, if your platform has a US time zone, the posts will not be made at the time you expect.

If you don't set the date and time format, you may get confused or your audience may not be able to recognize when a post was actually made. To change this data it is necessary to go to the Configuration option of the administration panel and select the General option.


3.- Delete Default Content

The platform also includes a post called Hello World, as well as a page called the Sample Page. To remove them, you need to go to the Posts menu, choose All Posts and Pages, and then All Pages.

There you will have to hover over each of the existing pages and click on the trash can icon, so that they are removed from the platform.


4.- Uninstall Hello Dolly Plugin

This is a plugin that is installed by default in WordPress core, and everyone knows it's there but no one knows what for. This is a funny statement from its creator, who loves this song, but for all practical purposes for other web users, it just takes up space.

The message sent by the developers is that Hello Dolly helps programmers to know how other plugins or WordPress add-ons can be implemented.

This is a simple example that shows the structure and functions that a plugin should contain. But, if your intention is not to develop any of them, you can remove Hello Dolly by accessing the Add-ons option, and then deactivate and delete it.


5.- Add the Favicons

A Favicon or favorite icon are those small images that are incorporated into the menus or links of a website to identify the main pages or social networks. In WordPress you can upload your custom favicons through the Appearance option.

Once there, choose the Custom option, then Site Identity, then Select Image. Now you only have to choose the file that contains the image you want to upload and click on Publish to save the changes.


6.- Change the Structure of the Permanent Links

Permanent links or permalinks are used to access any article or page on your website. On core installation, WordPress sets the structure of these links as follows:

The problem with this structure is that it is not only unattractive to users, but also affects organic or SEO positioning in search engines. The best alternative is to set the name of the article or page as the default text.

To do so, you need to access the Settings option and choose Permanent Links or Permalinks Settings. In the Common Settings or Commons Settings area, select Post name or Publication name and save the changes.


7.- Disable Comments on Pages

Comments are very important in the publications you make on your blog. However, for the general content of the web they do not fulfill any function, therefore it is best to disable them.

Access the Pages option and then click on All Pages. Next, click on the Quick Edit link on each of the pages, locate the checkbox that says Allow Comments, uncheck it, and click Update.


8.- Generate a New Administrator Profile

When you install WordPress core, an administrator profile named admin is generated. Cybercriminals are aware of this aspect and often exploit it to force unauthorized access to a website.

If you change this profile, it will make things twice as complicated for them. To achieve this, it is necessary to enter the administration panel immediately after finishing the kernel installation and create a new user under this quality.

Go to Users and then Add New. Fill in all the fields and try to create a username and password that are somewhat difficult to guess, and in the Role indicate Administrator.

Now, log out of this session and login to WordPress with the profile you just created. Hover over the admin profile that comes by default and click on the delete option and, if the site does not have content, nothing else will happen, so it is necessary to activate the Confirm delete button.

But, if you already had content published, WordPress will ask you to assign it to another user. Then just click Confirm removal and you will have a more secure website.


9.- Create Publication Categories

By default, any post on your website will fall into a category called Uncategorized. This not only denotes disorganization, but also makes it difficult for the user to quickly find content according to their interests.

Think about how you would like to arrange the posts in such a way that they are accessible to your target audience. Then, create the categories by entering the Publications option and then Categories.

There write the name as well as the record, and finally click on the Add category button.


10.- Adjust Your User Profile

In the administration panel, go to the Users option and choose Your profile. Finish filling in all the data and in the section that indicates Show name publicly as, change it, because if you leave the username it will be shown publicly and it is not convenient for security.

Here you can also modify other options to adjust the profile to the way you want to work.



After installing the core of WordPress on your hosting or local server, it is necessary to carry out the following options to have a professional and optimized website:

  1. Modify or delete the slogan or motto.
  2. Change time zone, date and time.
  3. Delete default content.
  4. Uninstall Hello Dolly plugin.
  5. Add the favicons.
  6. Change the structure of permalinks.
  7. Disable comments on pages.
  8. Generate a new administrator profile.
  9. Create post categories.
  10. Adjust your user profile

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