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10 Key Elements You Can't Forget When Designing Your Website

A website is one of the most powerful sales tools for brands. But, its effectiveness loses power if aspects aimed at optimizing the user experience are not taken into account.

This experience requires that your site is not only pleasing to the eye, but also useful, trustworthy, and easy to use. But, all this must be done without forgetting that you are creating this important digital medium because you have a goal in mind.

If your goal is to increase or keep conversions high, there are a number of details that you must not forget when designing your website.


1.- Your Brand Image

Although it is obvious today, it is important that you take care of the details because absolutely everything on your website communicates. This is an automatic means of sale, for which it must generate total trust in the visitor to convert him into a constant consumer.

The logo, the fonts, the colors, the images, the domain, even the communicational tone must be present throughout the design. In addition to strengthening the positioning of the brand in the user, you will provide elements that promote security during navigation.

2.- A Powerful Header

This is the section that users will inevitably observe every time they enter your website. Avoid wasting it with irrelevant information, on the contrary, it is necessary to use it to win conversions.

Here you must present your most important product or its most relevant feature and include a call to action. Accompany this section with your logo, a menu, a featured image or video, and links to both social media and login, if applicable.

It is important that the user has everything at hand, that is, if they want to communicate with you through any of your service channels, they can find that information without major complications.

Hence, the navigation menu or some other secondary menu, but easily located, facilitates access to your blog, if you have one, form and other contact information, the page of who I am or who we are, catalog or store, among others. others.

Your site must be completely intuitive and save the resource most valued by today's users, time.


3.- A Well Structured Text

The text will be present in all web design and is one of the main elements of communication. Here it is necessary to use the best persuasive writing methodologies, such as the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action).

This text must offer useful information for the user, which is capable of connecting with their need. For this, you will have to know their pain points and talk to them based on the benefits they will obtain with your product or content.

However, in the end it is a sales text for which it must also fully explain some features and how it can be acquired or used by the user. Calls to action should be present whenever they are convenient, with colors and phrases that capture the attention of the visitor.

The website should have only one goal per page. It is not convenient that you try to put a lot of information on a single page, because this can confuse the user.


4.- A Profitable Footer

This foot should serve as a support during navigation. This section usually includes links to pages of terms and conditions, social networks, frequently asked questions, support, address, access to departments, among others.

The idea is that the user has multiple ways to access the same information. Some include subscription forms to their mailing lists, maps and other elements, but the ideal is that you think about those aspects that you want to facilitate to the user.


5.- Visually Pleasant Design

It is necessary to take into account the contrast of colors, font sizes, images, videos and other resources so that they become an attractive element and do not tire the eyes. A good designer will take all these aspects into account and group the resources in the most optimal way.

The design should not be loaded with too many elements that overwhelm the user. The ideal is to keep the visual appeal, but simple and uncluttered, with a good balance between the different elements.

It is also appropriate to resort to icons, as another way of showing links, which improve the communication capacity and save the user time.


6.- Load speed

A somewhat more technical aspect, but which also involves design, is the loading speed of your website. Today's users are very impatient and that is why you must consider the amount of resources, their weight and location to give a better experience.

It is important, moreover, optimize images and evaluate performance to find some sources of affection to the development of your website.


7.- Oriented to All Devices

Although this is a quality almost expected everywhere, it is good to remember it especially when designing for a particular development.

And it is that the CMS of today contemplate the possibility of responsive or adaptive design, but if you work for a custom development, it is necessary to remember that today many devices are used for navigation.

The mobile phone is the most used, almost on a par with the personal computer. But there is also access through tablets and even smart TVs, so it is important to consider all the possibilities.


8.- Alternative Languages

If within your target audience there are countries with a different language than your website, it is necessary to consider the design or at least the translation of the site to improve communication.

However, if you work only with the aspect of transforming the text to another language, it is possible that this affects the location of the resources of the web page, so the invitation is to create versions with design adjustments in case the language must change.


9.- A Seeker

If the web has a good design, this may be the least used tool, unless you have a blog or store. In certain cases it is good to include a search engine since it facilitates the location of information in an expeditious manner.


10.- Management of Basic Security Aspects

To increase user confidence, it is also necessary to consider the most basic security aspects such as the use of SSL certificates, login data encryption, shielding of forms and comments that prevent the insertion of malicious code, among others.



The design of a website must be aimed at providing a good user experience and incorporate persuasive elements that materialize the main objective of this important digital medium.

To achieve the task, you need to incorporate:

  • Your brand image.
  • A powerful header.
  • A well structured text.
  • A helpful footer.
  • An eye-pleasing design.
  • Good loading speed.
  • Responsive or adaptive design.
  • Alternative languages.
  • A search engine.
  • Management of basic security aspects.


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